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How to have about more than 3 account for botting ? ( Hardcore botter )


New Member
May 11, 2012
Hello everyBUDDY !

i searched in forum but i couldn't find any thread about this,

I wanted to start botting with 5 account ,

But i just only have one account, that it's my main and i don't want to bot on this account
So , i wanted to ask to hardcore botters !!! How should i do this ? how to create them , how to level up them and how to use...

i know the first thing that i have to do is create 5 account ,
But what information should i use on the registration fields ? what names ? what email addresses ?

these information must be fake ? or real ?
1.I want to create/use these accounts with a VPN ip address, means that i want to hide myself from Blizzard Guards :D

2.is that okay to use Recruit A Friend for these accounts ? i mean ,
Account A created ,
Account A Invited Account B to play wow ,
Account B invited Account C to play wow ,
and etc...
because if i do this , it's make it easier to level up them to 80 :D

3. EU/US ?
4.Which realm you suggest ?
because i'm want to sell gold with this way ( kick made some AWESOME guide about this before , YOU ROCK KICK! )

Don't forget ! guide me with the safest way ! because there's many user might use this thread
How interesting topic

How interesting topic
Let me know how

hello everybuddy !

I searched in forum but i couldn't find any thread about this,

i wanted to start botting with 5 account ,

but i just only have one account, that it's my main and i don't want to bot on this account
so , i wanted to ask to hardcore botters !!! How should i do this ? How to create them , how to level up them and how to use...

I know the first thing that i have to do is create 5 account ,
but what information should i use on the registration fields ? What names ? What email addresses ?

These information must be fake ? Or real ?
1.i want to create/use these accounts with a vpn ip address, means that i want to hide myself from blizzard guards :d

2.is that okay to use recruit a friend for these accounts ? I mean ,
account a created ,
account a invited account b to play wow ,
account b invited account c to play wow ,
and etc...
Because if i do this , it's make it easier to level up them to 80 :d

3. Eu/us ?
4.which realm you suggest ?
Because i'm want to sell gold with this way ( kick made some awesome guide about this before , you rock kick! )

don't forget ! Guide me with the safest way ! Because there's many user might use this thread
my english is sucks ! Don't need to say :d i'm working on it !
Imo, create 5 account, no RAF. Use kicks to level them up to 85.
i know the first thing that i have to do is create 5 account ,
But what information should i use on the registration fields ? what names ? what email addresses ?
these information must be fake ? or real ?

Hm start up your Brain, what do you think? If you register all 5 Accounts on the same Name, i think its possible to search the Bliz Database for the Name to catch all. If you use Fake ones, its possible, if Bliz Ban you to send them your ID Card to verification. Time that your would Family and Friends are start playing WoW.

1.I want to create/use these accounts with a VPN ip address, means that i want to hide myself from Blizzard Guards :D

i personaly think its a waste of money to do this. try to bot save, dont do it 24/7 and better disconnect before you get reported, there are some good plugins here.

2.is that okay to use Recruit A Friend for these accounts ? i mean ,
Account A created ,
Account A Invited Account B to play wow ,
Account B invited Account C to play wow ,
and etc...
because if i do this , it's make it easier to level up them to 80 :D

as "qwee" said, no RAF.

3. EU/US ?

doesnt matter, i prefer local ones

4.Which realm you suggest ?
because i'm want to sell gold with this way ( kick made some AWESOME guide about this before , YOU ROCK KICK! )

and again, start up your brain, do you really think someone will tell you "hey dude come over here on my server to get the real $$$". no one will tell you, and if
you get on a server with bad ass botters, they will report you because of the profit.

Don't forget ! guide me with the safest way ! because there's many user might use this thread

there is no guide with the safest way. get starting, if you get banned, you did something wrong and start another way. and last but not least, dont think you get rich with botting.
Okay NO MONEY , It's SAD if all my accounts get banned because of a $ -.-
So let's be Steve Jobs IN GAME not real life :D

The reason that i want to use VPN is to hide MYSELF , not bots , because if Blizzard banned bots , my main account will be banned too , Due same ip!

And i'm not gonna bot 24/7 , maybe 8 hours a day ,

Thanks for all info that you shared with me ;)

Hm start up your Brain, what do you think? If you register all 5 Accounts on the same Name, i think its possible to search the Bliz Database for the Name to catch all. If you use Fake ones, its possible, if Bliz Ban you to send them your ID Card to verification. Time that your would Family and Friends are start playing WoW.

I still don't know what should i do ?

Fake names ? Real last names ? FAKE ALL ?