My biggest problem is blizzard and their way to kill ALL accounts over and over again... ofc this is the result of a report.
Atm i make maybe 100€ profit after losing the accounts.
I tried gathering months ago but after the LCP stuff and the bans i think its dead?
I tried instance grinding but thats what my last accounts lead to a ban...
I tried AH botting, this was the hardest and at the end competition brang down my accounts.
Now im at a point where im confused...
Should i play the AH by hand bc of the Warden situation and the estimated downtime of HB when Warlords of Draenor will be released?
Or should i start again with... lets say 8 - 16 accounts on 2-4 realms botting with all the stuff u explained and i did?
What would be the way to bot?
24/7 dead in every way?
I dont mind buying new accounts every month
Give gathering a try?
I like your way to bring things to the point so maybe u have a hint wgat i should do and what could be the way.
I hope I could give you an answer to all that, but that I can't. No one can, since no one has the answer as to how does Blizz ban accounts or why. I can give you my advise though.
If you wanna go big, you'll better separate your accounts completely. I mean, a comp with 5 bots and one IP, another comp with another 5 bots in another IP (and completely unrelated to the previous 5 if possible, different server, new guild,no conection between them.) If you could use another ISP that would be even better, though really expensive. If not, setting a dedicated whitelist IP through a V_P_N provider could be a more affordable option.
Get some comps with basic requirements. Enough to handle 5 accounts and 5 hb instances just fine. One of the main mistakes I made in the past is buying high end machines, thinking that if I got banned I could sell them or that vmware could separate the account groups just fine. I was wrong in both of these asumptions, a computer worth 1500 euros will be worth half of it in 3 months; and vmware did not help in keeping supposedly unrelated accounts in the same comp safe.
24/7 or not? Biggest botting question ever! Who knows. A friend of mine, who I trust 100% , as told me he has been gathering 24/7 for almost a month with no ban. Some other people have success in dungeon gold farming 24/7, as it returns investment pretty fast, and you can automate the process with ease, requiring not a lot of supervision. Some quite expert and helpful people around, like Botanist , recommend this. But, even acknowledging it is profitable, doing this with x>10 accounts will burn you out so fast....Better reduce the profit per bot, but increase their expected lifetime. Your time is worth money too...and setting a new pack of accounts after being mass banned is extremely disgusting. You already know that.
So...I would recommend setting up a relogger, creating logical timetables for each bot with added random times,bot 12 hours a day tops, do several things with each account (HINT: you are not required to only have 1 char per account. Having 2 chars, let's think, 1 questing and the other dungeon farming, should help avoid some of the most obvious triggers blizzard can set in your path.)
AH is the biggest NO ever as a mass botter. 1st, it would require a big effort EVEN setting Ah buddy, salesman or any other system in your AH accounts . will link your accounts, and chances to be reported and investigated are massive. No matter if you CoD your mats to the ah account, guild deposit, whatever. Just don't. This is only doable on a small scale , maybe 5 bots , and it is one of the main reasons small bot gangs are identified and banned. If you gather (I wouldn't , at least not with GB2 at the time) make sure you CoD mats to bulk buyers. Avoid AH like hell!
When WoD is released, as soon as Hb is ready, go all out. Profit is massive there. Mats will be worth lots. I wouldn't dare to advise 24/7, but if I ever were, that would be the adequate time.
Hope you find some of this info useful!