I am now getting out of all markets as I want to reduce my playing time, but this is what I was doing. Remember all of this is server specific, prices determine what is profitable;
- Glyphs - fantastic money but extremely competitive, I was being undercut every 10 mins. I only make 5 glyphs at a time of each glyph that sells over 40g (that way I dont bother with shitty profit glyphs). If you bot the auction house side with a cancel / repost every 15-30 mins you will make a fuck load. You will need at least 2 alts with inscription bags for this venture
- Darkmoon cards - not as great as they once were due to competition and people already have their trinkets but still decent. They move fast enough too
- blacksmith PvP armor (uses elementium bars, fire and water), this was fantastic prior to last patch, now everyone is jumping in and some items sell for less than mat costs. I notice all my gear is being undercut fast and it moves slowly as it is, I am having trouble liquidating my stock of this stuff, but it was good once upon a time, real good
- obsidium shuffle - if Obsidium is less than 30g a stack on AH then you make more gold shuffling it and vendoring the raw green gems.
- make some raw meta gems with your alchemist using green gems
- it may also be profitable to take the shuffle to the next level and make rings / neck from green gems and then DE and sell on AH. Certainly last week I made shit loads from enchant mats which is obvious because people had new gear and also Maelstorm fell in price so many re-enchanted gear
- As for raw blue/meta gems, they are selling well now for the same reason as enchant mats. If you bot enough ore you will have too many gems so I sell some raw, sell some cut.
- I smelt some pyrite for my Alchy who needs it for truegold enchant
Thats pretty much everything I did with ore and herbs.
Also if you are interesting in processing your raw botted mats for max profit, subscribe to the many gold making blogs that usually have daily updates on gold making tips (search google for them). For example after writing the above, I read one of the blogs which was talking about how they datamined new PvP armor on the PTR, that means despite my comments about PvP armor above, its probably going to be profitable again in the next patch. I would probably want to go into the next patch with a guild bank full of mats to make this armor so in the first week you will make a killing.
Just one example.