Now I bot on different servers with all my accounts, I use 4 different sessions and swap around with my accounts.
This is probably what I'd do. I'm also assuming now they're all on the same server, if otherwise then it's completely different.
Herb/Miner in Uldum, save all the ores.
Herb/Miner in rotating from every continent every day, in order of: lowlevel materials in azoreth, outland and then northrend. When you're farming in azoreth make sure you're farming overpriced materials, should you find any that any of the mats you farmed isn't selling for anything really then throw them in the gbank, same goes for all the other mats, then proceede to sell them another time. Sometimes I find that I can sell Fel Iron Ores for 250g a stack, sometimes only 30g, so keep some stuff in the bank for 'good' dys.
The druid which only got mining should be farming pets 3 times a week, try to farm the whelplings, firefly etc. 2 times of the week farm ores in mount hyjal and the rest 2 days farm ores in uldum, keep the ores from uldum.
Another Herb/Miner should be in Twilight Highlands farming everything, possibly keep the elementium ores and sell the pyrite on AH (try to turn some of pyrite into bars, sometimes it's way more profitable).
Now for the last character I could suggest you to farm something else, like ores/herbs in vash'jir but I'll advice you to level a character (or drop herb/mining on one of your chars) and then level JC & enchanting to shuffle the ores, this will yield you wayyy more profit in the long run and makes it less suspecious and dangerous for you, because if you're pumping 500 stacks of ores into the AH every day, people will notice and wonder.
You can play around with your setup of the 5 chars this is something that might give you a general idea of a good botting seutp, but don't sell everything raw, it's almost never worth it.