Id like to say that I have had much success botting in bgs. A poster above me here says healers are the least risky of being detected, which is probably true, but i recently just finished a warrior and a dk and with the right addons did not have any issues. From time to time the pathing has issues, but it hasnt affected me yet, hopefully never will. For the record, when i bot bgs, i usually bot for 3-4 days straight with small breaks for "sleep" until i have my full set for the season. I typically bot 100% afk as well, a lot of people suggest against it, but at a certain point when youve got your addons setup and youve watched the bot enough you can run it afk if you wish. I dont recommend it for everyone, but its certainly possible.
I think some part of me wants to get banned though to be honest. I bot on my main account and wont miss it at all if it gets banned. If you would have a terrible day if your account gets banned then youre better off not botting at all.