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how safe?


New Member
Feb 18, 2010
Heya! just woundering.. How safe would YOU say that this bot is? Say i bot 5-10 hours a day... 5 days a week (pulled a random number out from the air now).. Mainly lvling a toon... Would you consider it to be safe? And why do you guys stay on this bot?^^
well tbh saftey is really hard to measure, too many random factors. But id say aslong as you use common sense you should be fine. Unless the bot gets detected.
If there is ANYTHING you dont want to loose on an account, dont bot
The thing is.. im kinda sick of Farming honor on so many alts.. And i want abit help on that part.. and also want a few new alts on another server^^ hehe. I dont have money to bot on 1 account and transfer to another for safety=/
ive been with many bots of the websites and the reason i have stayed with HB is that the Dev's are amazing and keep constanly releasing new updates which the other bot community's lack, also its the most easyiest bot to setup were other bots take ages to get started, ive been botting the same time's that you have been doing and still not been banned and i have 4 lvl 80's just of HB :) also no one can say how safe any bots are it all depends if blizz focus on one bot and they can get there warden guy to focus on it to pull out a code to ban it. We do have a tripwire which no other bot to my knowledge has and when warden detects us it kills all customer's HB/GB session's to prevent there account's from getting banned. but it's been several month's since the buddy products has been detected (GB) and the tripwire was not implemented by then.
Thank you guys for fast replies! Mind linking to a post that explains how the tripwire works? Or could you explain it?
Ive used omega bot for a week now, but when i tryed the demo version of honorbuddy, omega real gets owned:P
ive been with many bots of the websites and the reason i have stayed with HB is that the Dev's are amazing and keep constanly releasing new updates which the other bot community's lack, also its the most easyiest bot to setup were other bots take ages to get started, ive been botting the same time's that you have been doing and still not been banned and i have 4 lvl 80's just of HB :) also no one can say how safe any bots are it all depends if blizz focus on one bot and they can get there warden guy to focus on it to pull out a code to ban it. We do have a tripwire which no other bot to my knowledge has and when warden detects us it kills all customer's HB/GB session's to prevent there account's from getting banned. but it's been several month's since the buddy products has been detected (GB) and the tripwire was not implemented by then.

I enjoy both HB and GB. However its hard not to believe that a few hours after GB was banwaved they mysteriously released an amazing new tripwire to safe everyone's accounts from teh hammerz...
That explain's what it does lol "it kills all customer's HB/GB session's to prevent there account's from getting banned." lol

Check here to find out if the tripwire has been tripped.
I enjoy both HB and GB. However its hard not to believe that a few hours after GB was banwaved they mysteriously released an amazing new tripwire to safe everyone's accounts from teh hammerz...

Ive been over this many time's, the tripwire didnt get released after the GB got detected trust me i lost 4 account's to the GB detection. The tripwire was implemented a day after warden updated and already detected us but the Dev's didnt know because warden holded back a ban wave to get alot of account's banned so the tripwire didnt trip because warden had already updated and no one knew till a few day's later till Apoc announced his code had been detetcted.
That explain's what it does lol "it kills all customer's HB/GB session's to prevent there account's from getting banned." lol

Check here to find out if the tripwire has been tripped.

Guess i have to explain myself.. How does the tripwire detect that Warden knows about these products? If the bot-makers know how warden works, it should be 100% safe to use their bots, shouldnt it?
Simply put, Honorbuddy is as safe as you make it.

Look around the forums and there are loads of precautionary measures you can take to prevent player detection.
aswell as this Topic being answered over and over. Use the Search function you will find your answer mate.
Simply put, Honorbuddy is as safe as you make it.

Look around the forums and there are loads of precautionary measures you can take to prevent player detection.

I think I can simplify that even further...

Don't want to lose your accounts for what ever reason due to botting... then simple don't bot.
Guess i have to explain myself.. How does the tripwire detect that Warden knows about these products? If the bot-makers know how warden works, it should be 100% safe to use their bots, shouldnt it?

I'll clarify this a bit without specifying too much. There is an ongoing battle between warden and bot devs. Its easy to make your bot warden-proof to the current build, but when Warden gets updated with no detections, there is no dev in the world who can code an update faster than Warden's new detections. That's why a tripwire was created. The tripwire contains the current hashes and signatures of of Warden and checks against the Warden build X amount of times per hour. If the tripwire detects a change in Warden, it trips and tells the bot that botting isn't safe and closes down. Ideally this happens before Warden has a chance to activate and complete a scan. Its not foolproof by any means, but 99% of the bans outside of banwaves are not related to client detection. The other side of this is server-side detection, things that fire up red flags on their end that are out of the local player's control. Things like "Has this char been on for 40 hours" "Has this char not visited the AH" "Has this char not done any quests" "Does this char not respond to whispers" etc. No one really knows the combination of things that trigger a red flag or ban on the server-side, the best we have are assumptions. And then there are always player reports, but those are obvious.
But wouldn't the chance of ban be slighlty reduced if I for example use gold for my own char and don't sell it to any 3rd part? Sorry for hijacking this thread for this question, and I'm new here so hi everyone btw.
But wouldn't the chance of ban be slighlty reduced if I for example use gold for my own char and don't sell it to any 3rd part? Sorry for hijacking this thread for this question, and I'm new here so hi everyone btw.

Of course. The less things you do that are bot-like, the less your chances of getting banned :) I would never sell on an account I use for actively botting, that's what cheap vanilla accounts are for.