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How safe is it (plz no rude answers)


New Member
Jan 22, 2012
Hello fellow Botters, i have been reading alot on the forum recently that peoples have been banned, i know there allways is a risk , and THERE Should be if you bot. Whatsoever my question is.

I have played on this account since first release, think it was 7 years back in the days, i have been raiding active since vanilla, and have around 400 days played on my priest, and 300 days played on my hunter. I normally only use the bot to level / doing BGs, but thinking i will start farming mines. I know you cant say the exact risk of getting banned but atleast give some good advices :) ..

How big is the risk of getting banned if i farm mines like 2-3 hours a day , not during the night but actually during im sitting infront of the pc, while i farm the veins i will be chatting active with Online friends / guild chat. I will also be running the bot perhaps for 1 Hour, then manual farm abit, then use the bot again. Perhaps stop the bot totally, go do my dailies , joining a LFG instance .. Farm some more veins .. Maybe farm veins while queued for Random dungeon :)

I do alot of Auctionhouse resales allrdy, buying from AH and selling higher.. So perhaps i will farm veins for 1 hour, go buy from AH / rescan the AH .. Put some items on and then back to bot farming again.. Idk :)

I hope to hear some advices, and i hope peoples can keep this topic clean :) i know that there is allways a risk, so peoples dont have to create useless posts about this :)

// Regards :)
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The main reason people get banned is bc they get greedy

You can safely bot 24/7 via questing... so the bot is safe (i've been botting 24/7 for over a year via questing)

Now... people get banned bc they farm too much, getting kicked from BG's has (for the most part) been fixed w/ our re-writes

Farming bans - GB2 is awesome... but the issue is that people use public profiles and some botters report other botters and then gm's look into it and ban

Most people say never bot on main acct... it's true unless it's questing

Questing is very safe
Arch buddy is (for the most part) safe
BG Bot is pretty safe

GB2 ... public profile = fast ban, so make your own!
Grab yourself a Botting Account Trust me It will save you sleepless nights, and worrying through the day. I have 2 accounts. My Main Account Which I NEVEREEERRRAAAAHHHAAA (lol) bot. and my Botting Account which levels toons and farms mat.

As for say for the Program? Honorbuddy if i had a few words to sum it up they would be.


*Cough* that pretty much sums up Honorbuddy for me.
The art of botting is not botting 200 acounts. Is botting without getting caught. Kickazz have a awesome leveling profile and he is giving you the best tips you can get. Now that been said. Apply only one rule and you should be fine. Don't act like a bot do things a bot won't do. What I am trying to say, play the accounts from time to time, talk in trade, speak with guildees, run instances with guildees, stay in some wipes, go do some achievements. Always ask your self will bot do this? Get stuck here and there and open tickets and don't bot until you get it answer. If you going greedy, know the risk, and clean your operations. Treat each account as other players, COD between accounts, never sell or buy or use lvl 1's for nothing. Takes 15 mins to get a lvl 6 toon. Good luck
theoretically, the software is 100% safe, if you where to attach it to the client and play normally, you should never get banned, that being said, it all comes down to, what yo do, how long you do it, and how you have what your doing setup, like kick said, if your running a public profile on GB2 chances are high you will get banned, because other people are running that profile as well, and you will see people and they wont like you, you will get reported, and you will get banned. basically ask yourself, (Am i drawing attention to myself, and would someone else be inconvenienced by what im doing?) if the answer is yes, you ether need to adjust what your doing, so you draw the least attention possible or just dont do it completely and do something else. like instead of posting 100, 20 stacks of ore in the action house, maybe selling off 5 stacks at a time, 3 times a week untill it all moves, people dont notice when someone does 5 stacks compared to 10 or 20 stacks of something all by the same person. find things that people arent doing, and mix it up enough so if someone is leveling in that area over a week, they wont notice you there every time they are on. and just use common sense.
ost people say never bot on main acct... it's true unless it's questing"
Seriously? Your saying if you quest on your main account you wont get banned. I love your questing profiles as much as anyone here but no, it's safer than other forms of botting yes but not 'safe'.
Don't bot on an account you don't want to/can't afford to lose period.

Yes i realize you didn't mean it as literal as that, i hope, but you have to remember some people that will be reading the replies do take other peoples words at face value.
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The main reason people get banned is bc they get greedy

You can safely bot 24/7 via questing... so the bot is safe (i've been botting 24/7 for over a year via questing)

Now... people get banned bc they farm too much, getting kicked from BG's has (for the most part) been fixed w/ our re-writes

Farming bans - GB2 is awesome... but the issue is that people use public profiles and some botters report other botters and then gm's look into it and ban

Most people say never bot on main acct... it's true unless it's questing

Questing is very safe
Arch buddy is (for the most part) safe
BG Bot is pretty safe

GB2 ... public profile = fast ban, so make your own!

Isnt botting 24/7 humanly impossible? So it looks suspicious? even if you are doing questing?
I think CodenameG hit the nail squarely on the head. Be smart. Don't push the limits by getting greedy. Saw a guy today post 56 stacks of Fel Iron Ore on the AH. I took 5 of mine and undercut him a bit. Mine sold in less than an hour. His were still there last time I looked, with a few others undercutting him. It really looks bad when you do something like post dozens of the same thing at the same time. I might have 50 stacks of something, but I'll sell around 4-8 of them every other day, and still add to my stock from time to time. It doesn't draw attention and I don't need to be rich this very day.
Personally, this is what I would suggest and I am sure others would agree, and Kickazz basically is saying what I am about to say

- Bot safe, and smart ( meaning don't bot for 50hours, bot around the same amount of time you would usually play, and would be even better if you bot when it is not prime time on your server. )

- Be smart about the auction house. Don't post up 500 stacks of ores at once, and if it does sell, instantly putting up another large amount of ores would be stupid.

- Supervise your bot either by staying near your computer, or have a program to connect to your computer allowing you to watch it from your phone. e.g Buddyprowl or team viewer on a iPhone or something.

- Lastly I think this should be the most important in my opinion. Do not use a public profile for farming. Like for instance, the Uldum mining profile, when I personally tried it, it worked fantastic. BUT at times when I look at my screen, I see a train of 5-6 people following me flying the same exact path. So if you want to be safe about it, don't use public GB2 profiles, but instead use custom ones.

All in all, bot safe and smart you should be fine,

I use three separate bank/AH alts, two at level 10 and one at 33. I alternate duties among them so I'm not posting the same kind of stuff from the same alt all the time. Occasionally I will post some stuff with my other high-level toons. I will even slightly undercut one of my others alts sometimes, too. Anything to look less like a bot.
Why do you delete my post!?

Bottet on my main account (at the archa pirox banwave). Gets banned and it hurts till today. I lost "Mimirons Head", "Death's Demise" and much more server first titles/achievements.
so my advice: never bot on your main account. never!
Doesn't matter what you do and how long you bot. trust me. never bot on your main account if you don't want to lose it.
Thanks for the fast answers and the usefull info from everyone, so my conclusion is that its not good to bot on your main account .. :) I allrdy knew that, aswell as i understood farming veins was fairly safe aslong as you make your own profile, and supervise the bot 100% (Wich was the plan from the start - Expect when i quest)

I have long time had toughts about buying a secondary farming BOT, just didnt know if it was worth the money.. :)
The first rule of botting is "Do not bot on an acc you dont want to lose"
ost people say never bot on main acct... it's true unless it's questing"
Seriously? Your saying if you quest on your main account you wont get banned. I love your questing profiles as much as anyone here but no, it's safer than other forms of botting yes but not 'safe'.
Don't bot on an account you don't want to/can't afford to lose period.

Yes i realize you didn't mean it as literal as that, i hope, but you have to remember some people that will be reading the replies do take other peoples words at face value.

I developed questing on my main acct... and then i use the bot accts 24/7 for questing. Even getting stuck somewhere at a quest giver / turnin they don't get banned. I feel as though it's very safe. I have over 12k achievement points on my main (which a lot of them I got from developing reputation farming profiles)

I've never been banned for questing, ever

on other bot accts:
Grinding - yes
GB2 - yes
AB - no
BGBot - once a 3 hour ban
24/7 questing - never

I got 2 more questing accts as soon as Pirox users started coming over ... and they're still kicking - going 24/7 no issues
Tbh auctions dont really matter if you are botting "safely". I used to post tons of them each day without having any issues. Also posted them on my main not bank alt. Simply monitor chat and be carefull with public farm profiles, rest shouldn't be a problem.

Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191
I'm with kick on this.

The difference between farming 24/7 and questing 24/7 is that you don't draw other people's attention while questing, so nobody will report you.

You're never at the same spot for more than a few mins, and even if you get stuck somewhere, chances are you're not gonna be seen by many people, if at all.

Ever since I started botting I must have leveled around 50 toons, and have never gotten any of them banned during the leveling period.

A few months ago I started botting on my main accounts. First on my AH account running an AH bot during primetime, 3-4 days a week (never without me being in front of the computer), and not too long ago on my real main account, to level extra alts (again, always while being home. You don't wanna draw friend's attention) and to use lazyraider when I do randoms from bed.

So my advice would be, don't ever farm on your main account, and you should be safe.
Farming for an hour or two is not worth the risk. All it takes is a couple people reporting you for botty behavior and you're done. Anyone can spot a bot failing to harvest a node on a cliff, no matter if you're farming two hours a day or ten.

If you wanna farm, get a new account imho.

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