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How often should I Quest bot?


New Member
Aug 15, 2010
I am using Kicks 1-85 Alliance questing profile, and i was wondering how often is it safe to use this on a low population server. Leveling a rogue full BOAs.
24/7 if no ones around no ones there to report you...and if someone is around your playing like a human anyways
24/7 if no ones around no ones there to report you...and if someone is around your playing like a human anyways
Lol i am not 100% sure that is a safe answer, no offense to you. But my previous main account just got banned and it had 6 85s and about 1 mil gold.
Want to be somewhat safer on this one. But i got banned on that for farming for 3 days and making like 150k in those 3 days.
Farming and grinding is quite a bit different than questing. Farming and grinding are dangerous. Questing is much less dangerous.
I quest about 18 hours a day, every day, when I am leveling a toon.
I always do 24/7. Nobody has whispered me and reported me since the days of the grinding profiles (2010).
i quest 24/7 for the passed year... never got a banned acct from questing
I have been meaning to submit feedback, but there are dozens of locations in Northrend where the bot gets stuck each time I run the Northrend profile on new characters. Same with the Cataclysm ones. For some reason it doesn't trigger StuckHelper to cycle through WASD either in these cases, so the bot can be stuck on a building, a boat, or other walls until I stop the bot, or unstuck it myself. You haven't had ANY issues with your Northrend/Cataclysm profiles in this regard, Kick?
The questing was glitching a lot so i am switching to the grinding profile, why is this not safe compared to questing? and how often should i use grinding.
Questing does not "glitch" often, some people simply do not know how to fix common issues that is bot related.

Questing is by far the safest method. I've leveled 10 85s with no bans.
You move from area to area, like a real person. You do things a real person does, get quest achievements like a real person.

If you want to purely grind and get banned, go ahead, maybe you'll get lucky and no one will notice you in the same zone killing the same mob for 15 hours straight for no discernible purpose.
When using a bot you got to sometimes ask yourself would a normal player do this. Generally with grinding the answer is no. Plus most grind profiles are over a set area, do that hours on end in the similar fashion and someone watching over can easily tell.
Questing is more spread out, more natural of a thing for players to do even on long stretches.
I have another question, I am using kicks questing thread again because i was stuck at a spot where you had to pick up a quest off a body and kill a guy, but i had lootfilter on and it was deleting the item, now i got passed that but it is level 23 questing in redridge and a lot of the guys are green or grey, im getting almost no experience. How can i make my guy go farther in to questing?
I have been meaning to submit feedback, but there are dozens of locations in Northrend where the bot gets stuck each time I run the Northrend profile on new characters. Same with the Cataclysm ones. For some reason it doesn't trigger StuckHelper to cycle through WASD either in these cases, so the bot can be stuck on a building, a boat, or other walls until I stop the bot, or unstuck it myself. You haven't had ANY issues with your Northrend/Cataclysm profiles in this regard, Kick?

when i do, i add a fix and svn it... but with only me submitting fixes, it's slow

people who have issues need to say:

on quest X, FlyTo XYZ is too close to a box and gets stuck

change line 1234 from XYZ to this XYZ instead:

or something productive like that...

all i ever get is extremely vague things like:

it gets stuck on a lot of objects in borean, please fix


this is not helpful
also, the elevators are a mesh issue... not profile - so I don't count those as profile issues
I have another question, I am using kicks questing thread again because i was stuck at a spot where you had to pick up a quest off a body and kill a guy, but i had lootfilter on and it was deleting the item, now i got passed that but it is level 23 questing in redridge and a lot of the guys are green or grey, im getting almost no experience. How can i make my guy go farther in to questing?
Will PM you so as to not hijack the thread any further. Thanks, Kick. ;)

EDIT: Cannot send a PM to Kick. Here's what I was going to send...

Noted. I will try my best to them to you soon. Each time I've encountered them, I've been out of the house and killed HB remotely. In the future I'll note the quests in the log and the XYZ. Would a description of the building help as well, as some may be in or around a quest hub and will encounter problems more than once?