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How much does Honorbuddy RAF cost?-.-

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New Member
Jan 15, 2010
Hey, I just wanted to buy Honorbuddy RAF, as I saw it costs 9.99 euros but when I wanted to pay for it, it appeared that I have to pay 60 euro lol (and it was all in german-paypal- so I didnt understand a shit)

so yea, how much does it cost, how can I pay for it with my credit card (because moneybookers say that I need to send money to my moneybookers account first to be able to pay with credit card - wierd, isnt it?, and paypal is in german + can't pay with credit card there)
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59.99 is for the 5 sessions of honorbuddy w/ RAF. Prices have recently increased due to a new release of HB that is coming out shortly.

EDIT: Why cant you pay with credit card on paypal? Just add your card onto your paypal account and you should be set.
In the link you showed me it says 9.99 euro, will post a screenshot, just wait

/here it goes
Using the newest Mozilla Firefox
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Wierd, its looking like this for me. HB prices..webp

Ive just noticed somthing. Our currency symbols look different. Hmmm
No, I can see the euro symbol in your posts so it's not the computer's problem
Snap, good investigating Merhaps

Yah obviously you can see the euro symbol in the picture because it came from MY computer and is a screenshot.
Yes I could see the euro symbol you wrote but well, it's not really important.

The only important thing here is to make Bossland write prices using ASCI language, not German charset, because not everyone can see it properly. My keyboard is set to Polish, but it's not the
keyboard's problem as well. Because of the keyboard I can not type it using alt+u/whatever, but I can see this. It's just the charset's problem, i believe. Using Windows7 btw


still sure about this?
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Anyways, im sure when you log into paypal to purchase the item that it will adjust itself to the correct price.
Yes it does but Im not going to pay 60€ for a bot anyway xD ty for attention
also : heute wurde der preis angehoben ... ein bisschen zu lange ?berlegt xD

today he incrases the price... you thought too long about it ^^
needs to clear cache thats the problem. Thats all

No that's not the problem. It looked the same on just installed win7.
Please don't say THIS is the problem.. No THAT is the problem if you don't really know a thing..

Hah ye well, since I am with this bot (been here when HB was being tested on beta) I never had more than 2 accounts so I didn't need the RAF version :P
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@ Jaziq

Everyone is just trying to help you out bro. No need to be so hostile. Anyways, happy botting.
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