Canopic Jar is random Tol'var solve. You may get one right away, it may take 40 or 50 solves before you find one. I have been farming the zone for the bug mount and claw hand pet. After getting several jars and opening them (which gets you only mummified remains unless you have alchemy) I decided to drop my blacksmithing professions and switch to Alchemy. I left the bot running overnight and had a run of good luck in that I got 8 jars that evening along with the usual crap solves. After taking about an hour to level up alchemy to 525 I opened up my jars and on the 4th one I got the mount recipe. I have had about 15 jars in total with about 200 solves overall but of course it is all random. Note that you are not guaranteed the recipe from a jar, only a chance at the recipe. I had to open 4 to get mine after I leveled alchemy. It may take you longer or less time to find yours.