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How is it that bot would have joined a party?


Jan 3, 2013
So I had a piety/dom running for about an hour or two. Somewhere in that someone messaged me looking for an item I'd posted in trade earlier, at some point they must have seen me in Sarn, threw out a party invite and somehow the bot had accepted the invite... I came back to him still talking in party chat, clearly knowing what was going on and trying to call me out on it.

Why would it do that? I understand Auto DND is to stop invite spams, but I didn't realize it would accept them. Hoping said person keeps it to himself otherwise yeah, first ban inc
to be honest i also don't know if its a good idea to "act more human" and trade with your bot while you progress in game. (with "progress in game" i mean level from 1-70 and change/trade equip)
often poe trader whisper hours later while bot is not babysitted (or invite you/want to friend you) and i don't know if its a good idea to let this happen like 20 or 30 times.
eh, I've had it many, many times on poe.trade where people just don't respond. I'm ok with that. But somehow getting into a party with them they can instantly see whats going on. Just going to run with Auto DND now to stop any chance of party invites.

On the flip side though, "acting more human" is what I think has kept me from being banned so far. This is kind of an exception to that. I had no idea the bot would accept invites and would have turned off any ability for it to do so if I knew. Things you learn I guess. Just hoping the person doesn't blab.
The bot can't accept party invites if you don't have a plugin/bot for.

Except if your resolution is low enough to have the invite override the inventory space and the bot was iding items, clicked on it.
The bot can't accept party invites if you don't have a plugin/bot for.

Except if your resolution is low enough to have the invite override the inventory space and the bot was iding items, clicked on it.
Hey All,
The main reason Pushedx put in the auto DND was for this to stop from happening.
Some duche stays in town and pvp invites or party invites.
When the bot does it's thing, since it's not using packets, but using real window mouse clicks via the client.
if it happens to id or left click in that area, you will click the party invite.
This actually doesn't happen anymore if you have auto dnd on, so you do not have dnd on because it you did, party invites wouldn't be seen. Test it yourself. Dnd supresses all pop up messages.
An Easy fix, but not needed since auto DND solves the issue, is for this is to check if in a party auto leave and block person requesting party invite.

int inviteCount = 0;
                            if (LokiPoe.InstanceInfo.PendingPartyInvites != null)
                                if (LokiPoe.Me.PartyStatus == PartyStatus.PartyMember)
                                    if (inviteCount > 3)
                                        string LeaderName = LokiPoe.InstanceInfo.PartyLeaderAccount;
                                        if (LokiPoe.Me.Name != LeaderName && LeaderName != "")
                                            LokiPoe.Type("/block " + LeaderName);
                                            inviteCount = 0;
                                            Log.InfoFormat("Stoping Bot Because Some Duche[{0}] keeps tring to invite, best to report him on a safe account for harassing", LeaderName);

I've logged most invites and usually, I log on with 5-10 legit accounts, report and a few weeks if not a month latter said duche will be banned.
It's probably the same fucker, but yea, we don't put up with this shit.