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How good is the RAF mode?


New Member
Jan 15, 2010
Hey guys,
I took a longer break with WoW and now thinking about to reactivate my 5 accounts. I didn't follow HB for a while and now I am wondering how good the RAF mode is working now?

I plan to play my main actively while the other toons support me. So some kind of automated multiboxing. I have 5 toons available: Pala (Leader), Hunter, Priest, Mage, Warlock.

So is someone here who can quickly follow up on the currennt Pros/cons of this mode? Actually I want to know how good the fighting/Pathing/healing/rezzing etc. works? Of course I am also interested in all other thoughts about RAF? And is the development of the RAF still a focus of the devs or did they drop their efforts? So would it be possible to level my 5 toons efficiently together with HB?

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Its fun as hell.
I can get into more details later when I am home from work.
I play a pallytank as the main toon as well.

I'll bbl.

Edit: Problem is that most CC's got a very very poor RAF coding (with Got Wood as a druid healer as the 1 exception).
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Oh, that's cool. I am really looking forward to hear your experience and learn about the RAF features. Unfortunazely i could not find any detailed RAF documentation yet.
Second the above post... Mord's pally's worked well for 2 chars I RaF'd to level.

However, I did try running a pally tank as leader with a Lock and a Rogue - the Rogue and Pally seemed fine, but the lock just seemed to stand there and not cast anything - probably just a set up issue that I never took the time to resolve, but might be more to do with me using an incorrect CC (can't even rememebr which one I used off the top of my head)

Is a few posts on the forums where people have manually controlled one char and used RaF settings for another 4 to run Heroics, so I'd say the RaF funcitonality can be made to work extremely well... so for your setup, I'd imagine with the right CC's, there shouldn't be any probs.

How does the fighting routine in RAF works? So do the slaves just attack a mob when my main attacks one or do they search for targets on their own and attack everything which is in range?

What about focus attacks in heroics? Do they also attack the target of my tank?

I only ran with 2 bots - one main and one follower... seemed like the follower is just slaved to the main so whatever the main attacks, the slave also attacks.

Did work really well, except that sometimes the follower would get attacked, but the main would just carry on running to it's next target and leave the follower to it's own devices... so much for "leave no man behind!" :D
Is it possible to do Heroics with the Raf Mode? When yes must i manually play the tank?
I only ran with 2 bots - one main and one follower... seemed like the follower is just slaved to the main so whatever the main attacks, the slave also attacks.

Did work really well, except that sometimes the follower would get attacked, but the main would just carry on running to it's next target and leave the follower to it's own devices... so much for "leave no man behind!" :D

Yeah, I noticed this as well. Also the follower would be following mounted and randomly try to buff either itself or the main (main would get out of range and it would error for a bit before trying to catch up), and then get too far behind and freak out running around very bot-like.