I have been botting very much lately, almost too much. But I just wonder, how does the ban system work? Do you only get banned if you get reported? Is there any programs that suddenly detects you? Or are you safe if you do it safe (Bot when no one is around, reading or something while botting, so you see your computer screen)? I am very careful when botting. And also, how does a banwave/ban wave work? Do you suddenly get banned, even if you are offline, but have been botting, or does honorbuddy have to bot? Thanks!
I have been botting very much lately, almost too much. But I just wonder, how does the ban system work? Do you only get banned if you get reported? Is there any programs that suddenly detects you? Or are you safe if you do it safe (Bot when no one is around, reading or something while botting, so you see your computer screen)? I am very careful when botting. And also, how does a banwave/ban wave work? Do you suddenly get banned, even if you are offline, but have been botting, or does honorbuddy have to bot? Thanks!