How do I turn a grinding profile into a questing profile? so you can fly?
So I don't need to use the Fly plug-in.
my profile is below and is in ice crown and needs to vendor in dalaran, so it needs to fly. Its a grind bot profile.
Thank you
So I don't need to use the Fly plug-in.
my profile is below and is in ice crown and needs to vendor in dalaran, so it needs to fly. Its a grind bot profile.
Thank you
<Name>Icecrown Instant spawn</Name>
<Factions>21 974</Factions>
<Vendor Name="Dubin Clay" Entry="34252" Type="Repair" X="5917.979" Y="670.2131" Z="643.4971" />
<Mailbox X="5925.632" Y="645.1312" Z="645.5209" />
<Hotspot X="6075.511" Y="1927.879" Z="632.8312" />
<Hotspot X="6108.949" Y="1919.609" Z="632.5789" />
<Hotspot X="6058.229" Y="1902.043" Z="632.5781" />
<Hotspot X="6083.771" Y="1944.562" Z="632.5787" />