Account Action: Closure
Reason for Action: Unauthorized Account Access Policy Violation
After a thorough investigation, we have found that a player of the account listed above accessed another account that was reported as compromised or received items or gold from a compromised account.
These actions violate the World of Warcraft Terms of Use. We ask that you take a moment to review these terms at
You may not participate in any action that results in another player being "scammed" or defrauded out of gold, weapons, armor, or any other items.
This World of Warcraft account has been closed by the Account Administration staff based on a review of the account and all related policy violations.
No player of this account has accessed anything that could be reported compromised.
But I'm wondering, how in the world can I argue "No, this is all my account and I don't know what you're talking about" when it used a bunch of falsified information at registration?
It's no big loss, a 71 hunter and a 62 DK used for farming... but.. I still want it back.
Reason for Action: Unauthorized Account Access Policy Violation
After a thorough investigation, we have found that a player of the account listed above accessed another account that was reported as compromised or received items or gold from a compromised account.
These actions violate the World of Warcraft Terms of Use. We ask that you take a moment to review these terms at
You may not participate in any action that results in another player being "scammed" or defrauded out of gold, weapons, armor, or any other items.
This World of Warcraft account has been closed by the Account Administration staff based on a review of the account and all related policy violations.
No player of this account has accessed anything that could be reported compromised.
But I'm wondering, how in the world can I argue "No, this is all my account and I don't know what you're talking about" when it used a bunch of falsified information at registration?
It's no big loss, a 71 hunter and a 62 DK used for farming... but.. I still want it back.