You can get Legendary Buddy. It's just a title/status though which includes a copy of all of their bots.thanks man appreciate it. looking forward to it
Legion buddy is on hold until a stable HB is out. It will take a back seat to HB from what Raphus was saying on the discord channel
Correct. 200/yr is for 1 copy of all their bots including early release of legionbuddy. He asked how to get it so I just listed how to currently get it since it is not officially out.
ahhh ok sorry been at work and misread it wrong!!so basically legendary buddy gives you 2 sessions for legion buddy? Also what other bots are gonna be required for legion buddy and are all my routines i bought from MIllz and TUANHA gonna be supported through legion buddy i spent alot of money on those routines.
just came back now that legion is dropping in a few days and ive been reading forums about legionbuddy and legendary buddy, and was wondering how to get this??
@Chinajade does this mean since it doesn't interact with the game that the rotation bot should in itself not be taken down just cause Blizzard patched the game? So for Raiders who wanna make Tuesday raid times no longer SHOULD patch days remove us from raiding?
My guess is, and I'm sure they will say the same thing, that the downtime will likely be LESS just due to the sheer fact that there is way less code to actually update. From what I understand, it still reads from memory, but it doesn't inject into memory. It presses buttons like you would.