Hello, i have been botting for many years. I started 3 years ago with pirox and it worked really well. I was really pleased with their security.
When blizzard changed something in their script the bot and wow client was instantly shut off. I felt really safe and i could leave my bot
farming for 11-12 h periods without having to worry. When pirox was banned i took a break for 6 months due to laziness and work.
I have come back(as you always do) and want to start botting again so i bought HB hoping to continue my old habits but after spending 3 hours on installation due to
bad information here on the website, but i have now tried it on 2 BGs and it seems really good. I have some questions though.
- 1. As the title of this thread i am still insecure about the security? How big is the risk of getting banned and what security measures do you have to prevent that?
- 2. When the bot was finished with 1 BG it was shut off automaticly and i had to start it again. How can i change so it will run all night?
Grateful for answers. // Lowbob
When blizzard changed something in their script the bot and wow client was instantly shut off. I felt really safe and i could leave my bot
farming for 11-12 h periods without having to worry. When pirox was banned i took a break for 6 months due to laziness and work.
I have come back(as you always do) and want to start botting again so i bought HB hoping to continue my old habits but after spending 3 hours on installation due to
bad information here on the website, but i have now tried it on 2 BGs and it seems really good. I have some questions though.
- 1. As the title of this thread i am still insecure about the security? How big is the risk of getting banned and what security measures do you have to prevent that?
- 2. When the bot was finished with 1 BG it was shut off automaticly and i had to start it again. How can i change so it will run all night?
Grateful for answers. // Lowbob