About 2 years ago i had sort of a rip off of this type of Bot, it was not actually honor buddy but it was like it, Once that went down and it was not that great but once it did go down i was rather upset as it allowed me to stay really casual and just play arena but still have all my enchants and really decent gear, But once i tried this bot one night from a friend who had it, i knew straight away, i bought it instantly and started testing even more, and right now in my Arch prof i have the scepter just trying to get 150 frags again, i ran this bot for 8 hours of pure Arch, and Now i am finally getting the Aqua battle tank mount, And i just have to think about who the hell gets these mounts without boting, who can brainlessly do 8 hours of PURE grinding to get a mount, and i bought the Bot the same day all these problems with the servers were going down and i have to day i have had hardly any down time from, So thank you guys for a truly amazing product, It feels amazing being casual but getting all the rewards the sweaters get, YOU GUYS ARE BEASTS.