I've been grinding XP around the dead mire in zangarmarsh. My toon has both skinning and herbalism of the necessary skill levels to skin and herb everything naturally found there. Now here's the issue:
My bot will go pick up an herb, say, Dreamfoil just fine; it'll show in Honorbuddy's Loot List, show its raneg, and everything. However, 'newer' herbs like Ragveil don't show up in the Loot List, and hence, are not even attempted to pick up. Is this a bug or is this purposely programmed in to ignore outland/northrend herbs? Would prefer to see a response from someone who knows this as a -fact- due to being a dev or something similar.
My bot will go pick up an herb, say, Dreamfoil just fine; it'll show in Honorbuddy's Loot List, show its raneg, and everything. However, 'newer' herbs like Ragveil don't show up in the Loot List, and hence, are not even attempted to pick up. Is this a bug or is this purposely programmed in to ignore outland/northrend herbs? Would prefer to see a response from someone who knows this as a -fact- due to being a dev or something similar.