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Honorbuddy taking over


New Member
Apr 26, 2012
I was watching my rogue play an AB today, and there was at least 5-6 other honorbuddy users in that bg. I know this because everyone of us moved the same path and dismounted at the same distance near an enemy. Just felt like sharing!
I was watching my rogue play an AB today, and there was at least 5-6 other honorbuddy users in that bg. I know this because everyone of us moved the same path and dismounted at the same distance near an enemy. Just felt like sharing!

Im not calling you a liar by any means. I dont know you and I dont do that randomly but, unless all 5 or 6 of you were DYING at the very same time, I dont see how its even possible to move at the same path and dismount at the same distance all at the same enemy all at the same TIME. It just doesn't make any sense. The bot doesn't PLAN on dying, you die when you get raped and yea. Please explain in GREAT detail because im having a hard time processing this thought. Im about to blow a freaking gasket.
Seen it many times. Especially in Twin peaks. You run out, run up to the log then turn back around and run through the water. As the BG progresses it gets harder to tell but yeah, plenty of HB bots follow the same path at times.

Or let's say there are 5 of you in your flag room or at mines or WW or wherever. Something trips in HB...moving to biggest fight usually...and you will see 4 or 5 or however many Buddies there are running out the same door and mounting up at the same place and running the same paths. All while the humans are screaming "where the fuck you going?" :D If you haven't seen this then i really don't know what to say. And it's ALOT better these days than it was in the past.
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I see this all the time too. Usually late night and its funny. but also scary. Would be nice to have a more random path route implemented.
aye i se this all the time to..also when you die ina bg there is a Resurrection spawn time which is part of the reason you would see bots moving the same time etc as they came alive together
Im not calling you a liar by any means. I dont know you and I dont do that randomly but, unless all 5 or 6 of you were DYING at the very same time, I dont see how its even possible to move at the same path and dismount at the same distance all at the same enemy all at the same TIME. It just doesn't make any sense. The bot doesn't PLAN on dying, you die when you get raped and yea. Please explain in GREAT detail because im having a hard time processing this thought. Im about to blow a freaking gasket.
aye i se this all the time to..also when you die ina bg there is a Resurrection spawn time which is part of the reason you would see bots moving the same time etc as they came alive together

Rez timer. Gotcha. This makes more sense to me.
its like this for ages, same paths. mounting and dismouting same time, its retarded.

bots running like a train in av, so easy to spot em now, its not even funny no more.

but then again, why moan, no one here gives a flying feck cause after the trillion moan posts

about the previous bg buddy version / pathing / whatever, they made this. Better just shush

before they make it even worse then it is again. Just shows no one gives a feck about nothing but users

and money, safety comes a very distant 17th place.
yeah, people say AV is the safest battleground to bot in. However, I tend to disagree. It is here that the 'bot train' is easiest to spot. Some additional variances in way points and general AI really do need to be implemented to bgbuddy. I know some people who use bgbuddy all the time, but I just cannot bring myself to use it very much, and when I do I am always there to keep a close eye on it.

Perhaps I'm being paranoid, but imo, you can never be too careful. I've been botting since the early Glider days and I have still never been banned. So I'd rather be safe than sorry and bgbuddy doesn't quite meet my standards in many cases.
Its actually Crazy i saw a few in AB then went on to a few other BGS AV etc watching my toon play i don't BG much really But the weirdest thing [I wish i had it recorded cause you prolly wont believe it unless you saw it] So it joins IoC The battle starts and we all run out.. lil bit spazzy and 10 -15 (No Lies!) of us all turn back and run back in at the exact same time with the exact same movement "Like a bunch of synchronized swimmers :P or at least multi-boxers or something" someone even yelled out "FOR THE BOTS" <-- I lold

On my realm anyway there are allot of HB users and i also notice them occasionally getting stuck in the same spots i was just stuck in for eg
But HB is the Best <3

Was really funny though seeing so many do that same move simultaneously xD
haven't you read the current development post? this is gonna be fixed with next release! it will be released... ehhm, oh forgot, no one works on HB anymore, all manpower is on other bots. argh.
ok just live with it.
haha. This is too funny. But yeah WOW has become WOWB = World of Warcraft Bots pretty much. I have been noticing this since beginning of 2010-2011 using Pirox. Now since Pirox is down Honorbuddy has the crown.
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I think raphus died. He hasn't said a word in 2 months and there has been not a single HB release in even longer.
I noticed this in AV weekend. Most in paticular, when you would reach the end boss guy, when everyone waits, about 4-5 people would just sit next to the flag, instead of near the middle where the ramp is. Funny, but kind of obvious :(
I noticed this in AV weekend. Most in paticular, when you would reach the end boss guy, when everyone waits, about 4-5 people would just sit next to the flag, instead of near the middle where the ramp is. Funny, but kind of obvious :(

Edit the profile and put your own Hotspots in. Really people should do it anyway. I have explained quite a few times on how to do this though it really should be in an official HB guide somewhere by now...buuuuut for convenience sake:

How to edit BG hotspots
And what's your solution to the pathing being almost the same even with changing coordinates?
He was talking about the standing around part. Changing Hotspots fixes that problem.

No complete solution for the pathing but the bot will follow a different path, up to a point, if you change Hotspots. It can only go from A-B and if B is in a different place it almost has to use a different path, again, up to a point.

This is the biggest problem with Meshes. There are only so many ways you will get a bot to get from A-B but yeah, changing Hotspots does help. It doesn't eliminate or fix the problem but it does help.
I hate it when botters reports botters.. we should stay together and not helping blizz to fuck our accs up..

BTT: i've seen this in twin peaks too and in av.. :)