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Honorbuddy stops up


New Member
Jan 29, 2012
Hello, this is must be my 5th thread for trying to get Honorbuddy to start. Most of u guys must be tired of me already :) I have had wow errors and honorbuddy problems a long time. The wow errors have gone away after I deleted AutoAngler2. But still have my HB issues.
I am currently a 59 warlock with a lot more play time that it should have had. The reason for this is that my honorbuddy stops up. He stops casting and just stands there. I am currently using Kickz questing profile and Zerfall CC. (Have tried every other CC aswell) The problem is that if I put it on before I go to school, I have been disconnected when i am coming home. But today it was different, I came home and I was still online, not doing anything, just standing around..
The reason that i did not get Disconnected today was becasue of my toon to gotten in combat every hour.
It seems like Honorbuddy just stops and refuse to load anything more. Today I was 3 eggs away from doing a quest and he stopped.
I just waisted 7 hours gameplay on standing and getting like 100xp an hour.

I don't know how to fix this. My plugins are Buddycenter and ItemForAura aswell as the plugins that are on the bot from before.
Please help, I noticed that when I accidentely pulled a mob, my warlock did one "hand of Guldan" and than the pet did the rest. Might be a CC bug but have tried every CC for warlock that I could find. The other problem can be that Kickz Questing guide stopped loading. Or my honorbuddy is just "fucked up"..

Also tried to use Arelog but couldnt get that to work either. It said i needed to place it to wow.exe and have directx9 but i did add both of them.. (Did not add luncher but Wow.exe)


ystem.Exception: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired.
   at BlueMagic.ExecutorRand.Execute()
   at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.GetObjectName()
are you sure your machine isnt set to fall asleep after few hours?
theres not much i can tell you, lots of people are having issues staying connected to the servers, and its not just Honorbuddy users, but everyone. untill blizzard gets its act together, like i said, the only thing you can do is run arelog.

heres some guides to get you started.

hmm, what about your buddystarter3? Is that one bettar than the Arelog since with Arelog i get this error message 24/7:
[11:23:01:703] Starting WoW
[11:23:01:703] Waiting for WoW to idle
[11:23:06:984] [PID: 3096] Moving WoW Window to: 0, 0 - With size: 600x600
[11:23:11:812] [PID: 3096] Please make sure you selected Wow.exe as the WoW Path. If you did so ARelog doesn't support DirectX11 on WoW. Please set Graphics API to Directx9 in WoW video settings before using ARelog.
[11:23:11:812] [PID: 3096] Terminating monitor on request.
[11:23:11:921] All monitors are terminated.

Got directx9 on and got the wow.exe path. So now I have no idea what to do with this
check the "Act Slow" box, the last person having this problem thats what fixed it.
check the "Act Slow" box, the last person having this problem thats what fixed it.

I have tried that. But also everytime Arelog is updating itself I get an win32 error. Not that it does anything, but it just comes up and the arelog continues.
Just downloaded the latest .net framework also now. Still nothing
well grab the latest version of arelog from the releases section, and update it manually.
Okay, will try that this is my error btw.


  • honrobuddy wakk.webp
    honrobuddy wakk.webp
    10.2 KB · Views: 78
i cant see it is all resized, not that it matters, install the new version and try it again, and see if you get the same error.
hmm, just found out that it was the updater that was the problem. It was not a valid win-32 file. Well I redownloaded Arelog again and it still did the same thing by checking for updates and i got the error.
The error dose not show in the log tho:
"12:11:09:437] Starting ARelog v1.0.2.7
[12:11:09:437] Checking for updates.
[12:11:09:531] Downloading new build
[12:11:13:0] Download complete. Restaring application to finish the update."

But the main problem is still the Directx9 and wow.exe path. I have added them both and still did not work
Check your router log......can it be resetting itself?

Lots of routers suffers from this.
hmm, just found out that it was the updater that was the problem. It was not a valid win-32 file. Well I redownloaded Arelog again and it still did the same thing by checking for updates and i got the error.
The error dose not show in the log tho:
"12:11:09:437] Starting ARelog v1.0.2.7
[12:11:09:437] Checking for updates.
[12:11:09:531] Downloading new build
[12:11:13:0] Download complete. Restaring application to finish the update."

But the main problem is still the Directx9 and wow.exe path. I have added them both and still did not work
Might help if i say that the Arelog does start my wow, but when it is in the face "loggin in" nothing happens. and it gets the error. I am sure that i have wrote everything right on the account information place
Might help if i say that the Arelog does start my wow, but when it is in the face "loggin in" nothing happens. and it gets the error. I am sure that i have wrote everything right on the account information place
whats the error now?
Still The directx9 and wow.exe path.
I start Arelog click on start selected.
Starts my wow.
Wow shuts down.
Error message in the log explaining that i dont have a directx9 or a valid wow.exe path
Another thing that is wrong with my Honorbuddy is that it is really slow atm. I have it on Kick'z Questing profile. And Zerfalls CC (Have tried every other CC aswell). For warlock..
It just does everything so slow. It waits like 5 seconds before it does anything. and when it does it does like some few dots, or walk to the destination and then stop again.
I actually start to think that my bot is getting old and tired even tho I have owned it for like one and a half week
This is all my relogger files, take the once u need :)

