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Honorbuddy Programming Language?

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New Member
Jan 15, 2010
I want to learn to code my own bot witha GUI similiar to HB. What language is HB coded in? Or what language should I start learnign to code something similar? Any place to start? Wheere can I learn to read/write memory on WoW, etc?
C++ would be a great place to start. Unless you just specifically want to make map hacks and such. At which point you should learn MASM or some type of assembly language. Also, you're going to want to get literate in artmoney. Olly debugger is nice too for hacks. (Most bots are written in C++ afaik, but you need other tools to make sure it injects correctly, what offsets to use, monitoring warden, blah blah its very complicated)

Actually on second thought I believe I read this bot was typed in C#, which is like Microsoft's version of C++ so its very similar to the object oriented programming thought process.

EDIT- if you're just asking this out of the blue, (say you're in high school still) then you pretty much have no hope. It would take you prolly a year to learn everything from scratch and be able to make something useful by yourself (1 man project). A maphack for sc2 on the other hand is rather simple.
Well, I'm in college. And I'm actually trying to write a SC II maphack first. I am actually good friends with the person that made Black***** (SC II) hack named Vuno and he writes in MASM. But I don't like the lack of graphic interface. Also, what should I use to write the MASM in?
Well, I'm in college. And I'm actually trying to write a SC II maphack first. I am actually good friends with the person that made Black***** (SC II) hack named Vuno and he writes in MASM. But I don't like the lack of graphic interface. Also, what should I use to write the MASM in?
if you wanna write code for honorbuddy (Custom Classes, Plugins) then you'll need to dive into C Sharp. as for writing a bot from scratch, i think most people go with C++ just because its the Basics when writing apps, unfortunately there arent people who are are going to be able to help you that much. my suggestion is go to mmowned. and check out their programming section. since there's tons of people there who are actually knowledge-able about such things.
Or if you are in college, look into taking some basic JAVA / C++ classes. These will help you a lot more than starting on your own. Take an online class...it's really not necessary to worry too much about being in a classroom environment for this and since you already know how to ask for help online, it's quite simple to get through a college class online. Especially the basics. Learning to write in multiple languages is also really good for you. But practice is required to maintain and excel your experience. Especially excelling, as technology is constantly changing. I started learning on my own and it took way longer to learn programming than it would have if I had just taken classes. Understanding why things are done certain ways in programming are the #1 key to it, as there are multiple ways to make a project work, there are ways to make it work better. So, unless you can find a tutor online or something, I suggest some classes to jump start your knowledge in the matter - object oriented programming is more complicated than you think if you aren't accustom to thinking that sort of way.
if you wanna write code for honorbuddy (Custom Classes, Plugins) then you'll need to dive into C Sharp. as for writing a bot from scratch, i think most people go with C++ just because its the Basics when writing apps, unfortunately there arent people who are are going to be able to help you that much. my suggestion is go to mmowned. and check out their programming section. since there's tons of people there who are actually knowledge-able about such things.

mmowned -> Ownedcore ;-)
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