Every time my honorbuddy logs on it instantly crashes wow and itself.
Here's a screenshot:
I have tried everything under the sun that google has provided me and nothing works.
I have it on Dx9, windowed mode, tried it with sound card disabled, tried lower graphics - nothing works
tried everything on this link ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception - Neverendless-WoW Forums
Any ideas? really want to get it started!
Every time my honorbuddy logs on it instantly crashes wow and itself.
Here's a screenshot:
I have tried everything under the sun that google has provided me and nothing works.
I have it on Dx9, windowed mode, tried it with sound card disabled, tried lower graphics - nothing works
tried everything on this link ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception - Neverendless-WoW Forums
Any ideas? really want to get it started!