I recently purchased 3 sessions with HonorBuddy. Currently, I only need to enter in my KEY (with no password) in order for it to authenticate. I am wondering if it is possible to add a password to it as well? The reason is, I am considering buying HonorBuddy for a friend (his own sessions), but I want to let him use my key for a few days to see if he likes it ... But I want to be able to "lock him out" after a couple of days, once I buy him his own sessions. (I don't want to have to go to the authbuddy site and look for sessions and kill them, etc). Just wondering if this is possible, add pw in combination with key and change that pw later.
Thanks much
I recently purchased 3 sessions with HonorBuddy. Currently, I only need to enter in my KEY (with no password) in order for it to authenticate. I am wondering if it is possible to add a password to it as well? The reason is, I am considering buying HonorBuddy for a friend (his own sessions), but I want to let him use my key for a few days to see if he likes it ... But I want to be able to "lock him out" after a couple of days, once I buy him his own sessions. (I don't want to have to go to the authbuddy site and look for sessions and kill them, etc). Just wondering if this is possible, add pw in combination with key and change that pw later.
Thanks much