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HB doesn't do that, the CC does. It depends on what CC you choose, for what class you choose it for. Most of them have options you can set for HP limits and whatnot.
Personally, I farmed an entire set of Ruthless (Season 11) in one day, along with one weapon. So, I farmed in one 24 hour period over 10,000 honor.
the more people is in BG, the less chance you get reported
the call to arms AV is the best way to farm imho
I get over 16k honor this weekend. I am a rogue and I used Glue pluggin and PvPRogue A Advanced PVP Rogue CC by SwInY
I don't get any whisper, any other message, like "this guy seems to be a bot"
I was fighting just like a kamikadze style noob player )) I had kills, i had deaths, etc.