As I begon to use Honorbuddy for harvesting mines and herbs it seemed to fail picking up the nodes.
It was walking straight over it or it was just ignoring it when it was like 50yards away.
It stared to enoy me so I set up a private server and starting to make profiles.
There are 3 things to do first:
1. Make sure you got the proffesions herbing or mining
2. Set the main screen on levelbot
3. Select the following options in youre settings windows
V Loot mobs
V Harvest Herbs
V Harvest Minerals
Set loot radius to 100yards (this determs on how great youre mesh file can handle obstacles.
If all these settings are set youre honorbuddy should be able to handle harvesting
It was walking straight over it or it was just ignoring it when it was like 50yards away.
It stared to enoy me so I set up a private server and starting to make profiles.
There are 3 things to do first:
1. Make sure you got the proffesions herbing or mining
2. Set the main screen on levelbot
3. Select the following options in youre settings windows
V Loot mobs
V Harvest Herbs
V Harvest Minerals
Set loot radius to 100yards (this determs on how great youre mesh file can handle obstacles.
If all these settings are set youre honorbuddy should be able to handle harvesting