Post a log as attachment.Im using honorbuddy with my level 14 human paladin, im using the Human 1-60 profile in the forums but it just randoms runs inte duskwood and suddenly stops or walks back to level 7 mobs.
I wonder, what is the problem?
Thanks in advance
Post a log as attachment.
Though it sounds like an error in the profile.
I've used it for a human and a dwarf, no issues.
I'm using the 1.3 version, what version should I use?
And I formated my pc to fix this so I don't got the logs left, sorry.
Post a log m8. It's in your HB folder, in "Logs" folder. Check date so you attatch the right one
from the navigation log we can check if its a mesh issueI'm going to assume this is directed to the OP, as I've never seen anyone ask for logs confirming that a mesh worked as
now i left the bot on when i was away for a couple of hours.
When i come home it has run from westfall to goldshire, probably becouse of selling.
but then it have stayd there for some hours?
here is the log.
EDIT: mevip, hes not just turning back, hes actually running in duskwood and such.
Can you post the xml file of your profile? Its definitely bugging out on the vendor, either because its not getting close enough or its not able to click it for some reason.
it actually gets bugged up on trainer aswell, just trains 1 spell and stops? :S
well here it is.