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Honorbuddy during legion launch


Dec 20, 2014
First off, hats off to the team at bossland/hb for maintaining this program over the past years!

It has saved my countless amount of hours to do real life activities and still be great in-game.

My question for HB is when or how soon will it be ready for launch? Is this figured out yet?
I don't remember what was the downtime last year but I plan on leveling my first toon by hand and my alts by bot. I figure I might as well play the game first and then auto level after haha. But whatever the wait may be I'm sure they are trying their best to get it up and running as fast as possible!
I don't remember what was the downtime last year but I plan on leveling my first toon by hand and my alts by bot. I figure I might as well play the game first and then auto level after haha. But whatever the wait may be I'm sure they are trying their best to get it up and running as fast as possible!

of course going to level my main by hand, I want to get a few alts max level asap so they can start farming ore for my professions :)
Usually updated within a week after Launch. I remember MoP only took about a few days. I leveled my Hunter to 90 and by the time I did that, HB was updated.
Except this time.. these is no more patching to do. We'll just jump straight into it, i think hb will be up all the time :)
Nah, Blizz will release another patch at launchday regardless, and then 1 patch every few days for hotfixes and bugs\exploits that players didnt report.
a patch on launch day may not happen, they have a hard enough time keeping things stable as it is, imagine a patch thrown in the mix
When Patch 6.0 was released, yes. No downtime on release day.
Like now. When Patch 7.0 was rolled out there where downtime.
This! Once WoD went live, there was no down time for like the first week or two. Unless the build is updated in the next few days, there will not be anymore down time for a week or two.
Since the new spells, new mechanics, and all of that were released in the prepatch, release won't be scary unless blizzard changes all of that again. If they do, i'm gonna rip in peperonis.
Hopefully it's exactly like WoD (not getting my hopes up though). But I have the utmost confidence in the awesome HB staff to keep the bot updated and running.