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[Official] Honorbuddy down time discussions

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May 28, 2013
well Patch day is here and HB will be down for most of a day. it is a good time to delete an do a clean install of Wow and HB after the patch. best time to Update all your profiles and plugins .

Clean the computer, delete old files, run all your maintenance programs, and get all your drivers updated

6 hour down time for WOW US , 6 hours down time for WOW EU servers + HB update time. i would bet your looking at 18-24 hours or more

You can find the corresponding status thread here:
[post=2226611]Honorbuddy Update Status - Patch 7.0.3 Build #22267[/post]
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we have downtime the devs and beta testers of honorbuddy are already beta testing the bot in legion
Marked this as the official downtime chit-chat thread.
In previous expansions, how long did it take for the class CRs (tuan ha, vitalic, glad suite, etc...) to be updated? couple of weeks or more i'm guessing?
I'm guessing that most of the work on Singular Combat Routines has already been done and the biggest changes will actually be to HB and its Bot-Bases?
well Patch day is here and HB will be down for most of a day

well you are optimistic! I remember when MoP came out the "downtime" was several weeks long including the entire pre-patch period :) Things should be better now since the devs are apparently actually utilizing the Beta / PTR to get the bot ready.

I'm guessing that most of the work on Singular Combat Routines has already been done

Also optimistic! The rogue WoD singular CR still has multiple abilities like "expose armor" that have been removed from the game for two years now, and the assassination spec doesn't use rupture which is literally the keystone damage ability of the spec, just to give one example. so who the hell knows what singular for legion will look like, especially with a separate rotationbot coming out at the same time.

I'm hopeful though, other than the banwave disasters and the buddystore dev purge last summer HB definitely has been getting better over the years with new feature development, bug removal and customer service. Personally I just don't touch my main account with it and am pretty satisfied, I only use it for accounts I don't mind losing for 6 months.
Well servers came back up about 4 hours early and i played fine for about 2 hours before i decided it was bed time.

Xmog, class specs, some weapon adds, and a few other things to work through on a few dozen toons should take you most of a day to sort through without cleaning HB and stuff
I bet Blizzard changed a lot of methods with this patch. Don't just look at what you can see in this patch, there's a lot more going on in the API. I'm curious to know how bad it is this time though.
Will this be easy to update HB for? I LOVE the new UI and hp bars built into the game... huge improvement.
In previous expansions, how long did it take for the class CRs (tuan ha, vitalic, glad suite, etc...) to be updated? couple of weeks or more i'm guessing?

TuanHa said he would be working on it and looks for a release in 2-3 weeks. Other not sure.
going to be hard for HB to update when they keep crashing and patching all day 3rd one for me to day just now
I know it will be a lot of work, but I'm excited for the new changes! I think it will be QoL back to the game.
So now that the servers are back up, what's everyone think? Personally it feels like the combat routines are going to have a lot easier job, seems like most of the classes are like 4-5 button rotations now.
So now that the servers are back up, what's everyone think? Personally it feels like the combat routines are going to have a lot easier job, seems like most of the classes are like 4-5 button rotations now.

Yep Ret pally is 4. Less I am reading or over looking lot of classes don't have a AoE any more?
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