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Honorbuddy detectable !!!


New Member
Jan 12, 2013
I need to say something Honorbuddy programers and Honorbuddy users.
Blizzard use program his name is Warden Warden (software) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Warden scan your pc and your process when wow work and send blizzard info back in hash file
When you start task mamager in windows you can see all program start on your pc and you can see honorbuddy.exe etc.
Some forum sey file who work scan our pc-s is Scan-64.dll or Scan.dll
Wow stop working if you delete this file.
I have some question for Honorbuddy programers if Hb programers can do some changes in program and let users can rename honorboddy.exe in desription colums in windows task manager .
are we then stealth for warden?

I can change honorbuddy name in image name colums in windows task manager but i dont have permision for change honorbuddy name in description colums in windows task manager.
I use HxD program to open honorbuddy.exe and in hexadecimal record on botom i see orginal file name and company .......etc.
Maybe i mystake but i got 2 account baned and i know Honorbuddy detectable and i am sure. And blizzard do bun automaticali if when he get hash file, he ban ppl automaticaly and when we make ticket then GM-s go to see what is the real reason for blizzard pc ban. and my friend got banned on two eu and 2 us at same time. and lots of my guild names got banned.......

some ppl say stupid things like ban wave or some riport etc. I am sure that real problem is honorbuddy detection.
Please PM Apoc with all your reverse engineering evidence and he will be happy to assist you in helping honorbuddy become undetected.
what blizzard uses warden?!

wow what a groundbreaking news...

if we would have known that before...

waiting for tony to post his simpson gif....
I'm half convinced, whenever this thread pops up, that this is a Blizzard employee trying to scare gullible people away from botting. :P
Warden has been around since Diablo 2. This isn't anything new, and Honorbuddy is undetectable by Warden. The bans are from in-game reports or other in-game detection methods.
or wow.exe requesting the windows WMI process which I have already posted proof of which people have poo pooed the hole process that I have proof of. I have also PM'd APOC with a potential way of doing it but he thinks my idea wont work or cant be done.
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we've been through this, it's illegal for them to use PC scans against you since it is an invasion of privacy. ToS and EULA do not go against the law. If they claim to have used those methods then you better fire back.
I'm half convinced, whenever this thread pops up, that this is a Blizzard employee trying to scare gullible people away from botting. :P

No chance a blizzard employee writes that poorly or comes up with such absurd ideas. Clearly just someone new to the scene.
we've been through this, it's illegal for them to use PC scans against you since it is an invasion of privacy. ToS and EULA do not go against the law. If they claim to have used those methods then you better fire back.

Just what I was going to say. Even if it is hidden in the EULA Im pretty sure they cant do it and it was Sony that tested these waters and someone sunk their proprietry battleship. Though people are screaming the Origin (EA) software does this currently.