[10:18:43 PM:703] Honorbuddy settings list
[10:18:43 PM:703] Follow Distance:1
[10:18:43 PM:718] Foodname:
[10:18:43 PM:718] Drinkname:
[10:18:43 PM:734] LootMobs: True
[10:18:43 PM:734] LootChests: False
[10:18:43 PM:734] HarvestHerbs: False
[10:18:43 PM:750] HarvestMinerals: False
[10:18:43 PM:750] SkinMobs: False
[10:18:43 PM:750] LogicType: -1
[10:18:43 PM:765] MountName: My Little Pony
[10:18:43 PM:765] UseMount: False
[10:18:43 PM:765] Pull Distance: 24.
[10:18:43 PM:765] Loot Radius: 45
[10:18:43 PM:781] Last Used Path: .
[10:18:53 PM:265] Attempting Authorization
[10:18:54 PM:390] AUTH OK
[10:18:54 PM:390] Authorization Success!
[10:18:54 PM:937] Honorbuddy started.
[10:18:54 PM:937] Using wow with process id:2228
[10:18:54 PM:937] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
[10:18:54 PM:937] Honorbuddy executable: C:\Documents and Settings\Simone\Documenti\Giochi\WoW\Honorbuddy\Honorbuddy.exe
[10:18:55 PM:109] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx at Styx.Global.()
at Styx.Global.get_CurrentProfile()
at Styx.Logic.Common.Looting.Pulse()
at ..()
at Styx.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()
[10:18:55 PM:250] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx at Styx.Global.()
at Styx.Global.get_CurrentProfile()
at Styx.Logic.Common.Looting.Pulse()
at ..()
at Styx.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()
[10:18:55 PM:390] Character is a level 80 Mage.
[10:18:55 PM:390] Current zone is: Dalaran.
[10:18:55 PM:750] Method 'get_Class' in type 'Styx.Logic.Common.Combat.CustomCombat.CustomCombat' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' does not have an implementation. - From:
[10:18:55 PM:750] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:18:55 PM:859] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:18:56 PM:78] Compiler errors in CC!
Line: 0 Error: Un assembly con lo stesso nome semplice 'fasmdll_managed, Version=1.0.3262.20709, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' ? stato gi? importato. Provare a rimuovere uno dei riferimenti oppure firmarli per consentire l'esecuzione side-by-side.Line: 0 Error: Un assembly con lo stesso nome semplice 'Styx.CustomCombat.CombatInterface, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' ? stato gi? importato. Provare a rimuovere uno dei riferimenti oppure firmarli per consentire l'esecuzione side-by-side.Line: 0 Error: Un assembly con lo stesso nome semplice 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' ? stato gi? importato. Provare a rimuovere uno dei riferimenti oppure firmarli per consentire l'esecuzione side-by-side.Line: 0 Error: Un assembly con lo stesso nome semplice 'Styx.Plugins.PluginClass, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' ? stato gi? importato. Provare a rimuovere uno dei riferimenti oppure firmarli per consentire l'esecuzione side-by-side.
[10:18:57 PM:500] Re-compile complete.
[10:19:39 PM:578] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx at Styx.Global.()
at Styx.Global.get_CurrentProfile()
at Styx.Logic.Common.Looting.Pulse()
at ..()
at Styx.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()
[10:19:39 PM:718] Starting Honorbuddy
[10:19:39 PM:750] Building spell book
[10:19:39 PM:781] Adding:
[10:19:42 PM:343] Spell book built
[10:19:42 PM:562] Engine started
[10:19:42 PM:562]
[10:19:42 PM:562] LOADED: Project E v1.9
[10:19:42 PM:562] Spec Detection Test.
[10:19:43 PM:234] -------------------------------------
[10:19:43 PM:234] ----Your Main Talent Tree is Frost---
[10:19:43 PM:234] -------------------------------------
[10:19:43 PM:234] ---Welcome to Codename:FrozenHeart---
[10:19:43 PM:234] -------------------------------------
[10:19:43 PM:234]
[10:19:43 PM:234] LOADED: Project E v1.9
[10:19:43 PM:234] Spec Detection Test.
[10:19:43 PM:890] -------------------------------------
[10:19:43 PM:890] ----Your Main Talent Tree is Frost---
[10:19:43 PM:890] -------------------------------------
[10:19:43 PM:890] ---Welcome to Codename:FrozenHeart---
[10:19:43 PM:906] -------------------------------------
[10:19:43 PM:906]
[10:19:43 PM:906] Method 'get_Class' in type 'Styx.Logic.Common.Combat.CustomCombat.CustomCombat' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' does not have an implementation. - From:
[10:19:43 PM:906] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:43 PM:984] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:0] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:0] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:0] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:0] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:0] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:0] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:0] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:15] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:15] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:15] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:15] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:15] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:31] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:31] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:31] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:31] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:46] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:46] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:46] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:46] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:46] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:62] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:62] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:62] Could not load type 'Invalid_Token.0x02003FFF' from assembly 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. - From:
[10:19:44 PM:78]
[10:19:44 PM:78] LOADED: Project E v1.9
[10:19:44 PM:78] Spec Detection Test.
[10:19:44 PM:640] -------------------------------------
[10:19:44 PM:640] ----Your Main Talent Tree is Frost---
[10:19:44 PM:640] -------------------------------------
[10:19:44 PM:640] ---Welcome to Codename:FrozenHeart---
[10:19:44 PM:640] -------------------------------------
[10:19:44 PM:640]
[10:19:44 PM:656] LOADED: Project E v1.9
[10:19:44 PM:656] Spec Detection Test.
[10:19:45 PM:328] -------------------------------------
[10:19:45 PM:328] ----Your Main Talent Tree is Frost---
[10:19:45 PM:328] -------------------------------------
[10:19:45 PM:328] ---Welcome to Codename:FrozenHeart---
[10:19:45 PM:328] -------------------------------------
[10:19:45 PM:343]
[10:19:45 PM:531] Compiler errors in CC!
Line: 0 Error: Un assembly con lo stesso nome semplice 'fasmdll_managed, Version=1.0.3262.20709, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' ? stato gi? importato. Provare a rimuovere uno dei riferimenti oppure firmarli per consentire l'esecuzione side-by-side.Line: 0 Error: Un assembly con lo stesso nome semplice 'Styx.CustomCombat.CombatInterface, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' ? stato gi? importato. Provare a rimuovere uno dei riferimenti oppure firmarli per consentire l'esecuzione side-by-side.Line: 0 Error: Un assembly con lo stesso nome semplice 'Styx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' ? stato gi? importato. Provare a rimuovere uno dei riferimenti oppure firmarli per consentire l'esecuzione side-by-side.Line: 0 Error: Un assembly con lo stesso nome semplice 'Styx.Plugins.PluginClass, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' ? stato gi? importato. Provare a rimuovere uno dei riferimenti oppure firmarli per consentire l'esecuzione side-by-side.
[10:19:46 PM:890] Re-compile complete.
[10:19:39 PM:734] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx in Styx.Global.()
in Styx.Global.get_CurrentProfile()
in Styx.Logic.Common.Looting.Pulse()
in ..()
in Styx.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()
[10:19:49 PM:609] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx in Styx.Global.()
in Styx.Global.get_CurrentProfile()
in Styx.Logic.Common.Looting.Pulse()
in ..()
in Styx.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()
[10:19:52 PM:328] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx in Styx.Global.()
in Styx.Global.get_CurrentProfile()
in Styx.Logic.Common.Looting.Pulse()
in ..()
in Styx.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()
[10:19:57 PM:468] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx in Styx.Global.()
in Styx.Global.get_CurrentProfile()
in Styx.Logic.Common.Looting.Pulse()
in ..()
in Styx.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()
[10:20:02 PM:640] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx in Styx.Global.()
in Styx.Global.get_CurrentProfile()
in Styx.Logic.Common.Looting.Pulse()
in ..()
in Styx.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()
[10:20:07 PM:796] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx in Styx.Global.()
in Styx.Global.get_CurrentProfile()
in Styx.Logic.Common.Looting.Pulse()
in ..()
in Styx.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()
[10:20:12 PM:953] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx in Styx.Global.()
in Styx.Global.get_CurrentProfile()
in Styx.Logic.Common.Looting.Pulse()
in ..()
in Styx.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()
[10:20:18 PM:109] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx in Styx.Global.()
in Styx.Global.get_CurrentProfile()
in Styx.Logic.Common.Looting.Pulse()
in ..()
in Styx.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()
[10:20:23 PM:281] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx in Styx.Global.()
in Styx.Global.get_CurrentProfile()
in Styx.Logic.Common.Looting.Pulse()
in ..()
in Styx.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()
[10:20:28 PM:468] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx in Styx.Global.()
in Styx.Global.get_CurrentProfile()
in Styx.Logic.Common.Looting.Pulse()
in ..()
in Styx.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()
[10:20:33 PM:640] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx in Styx.Global.()
in Styx.Global.get_CurrentProfile()
in Styx.Logic.Common.Looting.Pulse()
in ..()
in Styx.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()
[10:20:38 PM:796] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx in Styx.Global.()
in Styx.Global.get_CurrentProfile()
in Styx.Logic.Common.Looting.Pulse()
in ..()
in Styx.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()
[10:20:43 PM:968] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx in Styx.Global.()
in Styx.Global.get_CurrentProfile()
in Styx.Logic.Common.Looting.Pulse()
in ..()
in Styx.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()
[10:20:44 PM:46] Battlefieldport accepted
[10:20:45 PM:171] Not in game.
[10:20:49 PM:921] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx in Styx.Global.()
in Styx.Global.get_CurrentProfile()
in Styx.Logic.Common.Looting.Pulse()
in ..()
in Styx.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()