[20:08:32:401] AUTH OK
[20:08:33:589] Using wow with process id:1232
[20:08:33:592] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0
[20:08:33:593] Honorbuddy executable: C:\Program Files\HB\HonorBuddy\Honorbuddy.exe
[20:08:33:767] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx
[20:08:33:853] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx
[20:08:33:972] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx
[20:08:35:212] Value "5041,731" in "X" attribute is not supported! Expected floating type. - From: Styx
[20:08:35:216] Value "-2830,221" in "Y" attribute is not supported! Expected floating type. - From: Styx
[20:08:35:218] Value "287,6409" in "Z" attribute is not supported! Expected floating type. - From: Styx
[20:08:35:221] Attribute X of floating type was missing in "Hotspot" tag. - From: Styx
[20:08:35:224] Value "5217,147" in "X" attribute is not supported! Expected floating type. - From: Styx
[20:08:35:227] Attribute X of floating type was missing in "Hotspot" tag. - From: Styx
[20:08:35:345] Value "5041,731" in "X" attribute is not supported! Expected floating type. - From: Styx
[20:08:35:348] Value "-2830,221" in "Y" attribute is not supported! Expected floating type. - From: Styx
[20:08:35:350] Value "287,6409" in "Z" attribute is not supported! Expected floating type. - From: Styx
[20:08:35:352] Attribute X of floating type was missing in "Hotspot" tag. - From: Styx
[20:08:35:353] Value "5217,147" in "X" attribute is not supported! Expected floating type. - From: Styx
[20:08:35:356] Attribute X of floating type was missing in "Hotspot" tag. - From: Styx
[20:08:38:492] Khryses.xml was not found! - From: bfwjid8o
[20:08:34:50] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx
[20:08:40:678] [Navigator (zuldrak_pools.mesh)]: Changed destination! Last: <NaN, NaN, NaN>, new: <5195,326, -2519,035, 289,4483>
[20:08:51:72] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. - From: Styx
[20:08:51:85] Plugin eStat threw an exception in 'Pulse'! Exception:
[20:08:51:89] ReadUInt at 0x13D21E30 failed. - From: Styx
[20:08:51:135] Plugin KingTrink-Beta threw an exception in 'Pulse'! Exception:
[20:08:51:137] ReadUInt at 0x13D21E30 failed. - From: Styx
[20:08:51:146] Plugin Tidy Bags threw an exception in 'Pulse'! Exception:
[20:08:51:149] ReadUInt at 0x13D21E30 failed. - From: Styx
[20:08:51:160] Plugin AutoEquip threw an exception in 'Pulse'! Exception:
[20:08:51:163] ReadUInt64 at 0x13D21E58 failed. - From: Styx
[20:08:51:194] Thread was being aborted. - From: mscorlib
[20:08:51:219] Thread was being aborted. - From: Styx