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HonorBuddy crashes on start


New Member
Jan 15, 2010
Hi. Just this morning when i was going to start up my bot and this is what happens.
WoW Exits for no reason and then this message pops up.

Im using BuddyStarter but i have also tried without it.

Error Picture


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hi, are you logged in in game ??? because Sync failed ?
Error - sync2: ReadUInt at 0x13E24448 failed.
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Yes I have logged in game. So the problem is that wow exits for no reason and then HB cant find the wow process so it gives me this error?
clear your wow cache folder
redownload Khryses
and use a diff profile
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Yes I have logged in game. So the problem is that wow exits for no reason and then HB cant find the wow process so it gives me this error?

Yes, that's what the HB error indicates. The root cause of the problem is why is WoW exiting for no reason.
This happens with me with Buddy Starter as well. After a good restart it seems to work fine. Also one of my accounts, warrior, seems not to work well with Buddy Starter, he is currently farming honor in BG. Is this what your guy is doing as well? I wonder if Buddy Starter bugs out when starting HB with BG's...however that really shouldnt matter. Right now he's not on my watch list in Buddy Starter
Well still got the same problem but i think i got some more info this time. take a look:

[20:08:32:401] AUTH OK
[20:08:33:589] Using wow with process id:1232
[20:08:33:592] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0
[20:08:33:593] Honorbuddy executable: C:\Program Files\HB\HonorBuddy\Honorbuddy.exe
[20:08:33:767] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx
[20:08:33:853] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx
[20:08:33:972] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx
[20:08:35:212] Value "5041,731" in "X" attribute is not supported! Expected floating type. - From: Styx
[20:08:35:216] Value "-2830,221" in "Y" attribute is not supported! Expected floating type. - From: Styx
[20:08:35:218] Value "287,6409" in "Z" attribute is not supported! Expected floating type. - From: Styx
[20:08:35:221] Attribute X of floating type was missing in "Hotspot" tag. - From: Styx
[20:08:35:224] Value "5217,147" in "X" attribute is not supported! Expected floating type. - From: Styx
[20:08:35:227] Attribute X of floating type was missing in "Hotspot" tag. - From: Styx
[20:08:35:345] Value "5041,731" in "X" attribute is not supported! Expected floating type. - From: Styx
[20:08:35:348] Value "-2830,221" in "Y" attribute is not supported! Expected floating type. - From: Styx
[20:08:35:350] Value "287,6409" in "Z" attribute is not supported! Expected floating type. - From: Styx
[20:08:35:352] Attribute X of floating type was missing in "Hotspot" tag. - From: Styx
[20:08:35:353] Value "5217,147" in "X" attribute is not supported! Expected floating type. - From: Styx
[20:08:35:356] Attribute X of floating type was missing in "Hotspot" tag. - From: Styx
[20:08:38:492] Khryses.xml was not found! - From: bfwjid8o
[20:08:34:50] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx
[20:08:40:678] [Navigator (zuldrak_pools.mesh)]: Changed destination! Last: <NaN, NaN, NaN>, new: <5195,326, -2519,035, 289,4483>
[20:08:51:72] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. - From: Styx
[20:08:51:85] Plugin eStat threw an exception in 'Pulse'! Exception:
[20:08:51:89] ReadUInt at 0x13D21E30 failed. - From: Styx
[20:08:51:135] Plugin KingTrink-Beta threw an exception in 'Pulse'! Exception:
[20:08:51:137] ReadUInt at 0x13D21E30 failed. - From: Styx
[20:08:51:146] Plugin Tidy Bags threw an exception in 'Pulse'! Exception:
[20:08:51:149] ReadUInt at 0x13D21E30 failed. - From: Styx
[20:08:51:160] Plugin AutoEquip threw an exception in 'Pulse'! Exception:
[20:08:51:163] ReadUInt64 at 0x13D21E58 failed. - From: Styx
[20:08:51:194] Thread was being aborted. - From: mscorlib
[20:08:51:219] Thread was being aborted. - From: Styx

LOL. NVM you guys i found the problem. I had Autolog on at target levelToLogoutAt = 14;

Fail D:
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