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HonorBuddy compromised?!???... (with GM conversation data)


New Member
Sep 7, 2014
Well, as many of you, i also got a 6 month ban on my account.
Used only combat routine (tuhana), latest updated version of honorbuddy (last update was done today actually, probably released before but i did not log in all of last week), and i got DC'ed mid boss fight tonight. When i tried to log back in, ofc i got the error #202 account suspended msg.
I opened a live ticket with a GM just to see what they would say...

General Info
Chat start time May 13, ***** 8:27:49 PM GMT
Chat end time May 13, ***** 10:01:20 PM GMT
Duration (actual conversation time) 01:33:31
Representative XXX-GM-XXX

GM's wont give out any specific info, but despite the fact it says "Offense: Exploitation of game mechanics" in the e-mail they sent, it's in fact "use of 3rd party software".

you: i was mid boss fight, got DC'ed and says account suspended for exploiting game mechanics?
XXX-GM-XXX: Yup that would be correct, we have found evidence of an illegal third party software on your account that has been used, and as such the account is supended for 6 months

Data collected for this ban wave is not all that recent (at least more than 2 weeks old):

XXX-GM-XXX: The evidence has been gathered over the past few months not the last few days. Our evidence is concrete and it wont be over turned. you will have access to your account in 6 months which it will be on a final warning any other rule breaking and it will be permanently banned

Ofc, no details will be released (but i had 2 try):

you: what evidence is that?
XXX-GM-XXX: We've a long list of log in and data collection and logs from your in game activity. Should you wish to see it, you are more than welcome to have your legal representative to contact our legal deparment in the form of legal letter requesting information to be release in accordance with the EU data protection act

Played the "i don't understand that, i never downloaded any 3rd party applications, so what is the trigger for this ban" card, ofc did not work:

XXX-GM-XXX: it is to do with a downloaded software that was used to automate your actions on your client
you: only automation software i use that i downloaded from the curse website is to make the NPC launch all the work orders without clicking 1 by 1 and another one to auto-select the best team for my garrison missions
you: is it 1 of those?
XXX-GM-XXX: As I said, I wont be releasing any information.

Apparently they will release the data used for that ban to be applied, but since they are hiding behind the EU data protection act, they will only release it if you are a lawyer opening a lawsuit against them, in that case they are bound by law to have full disclosure on the evidence presented to both parties involved (accuser and defendant):

you: what is the adress so i can have a letter sent to request the data you say you have and how should that data be requested?
XXX-GM-XXX: Blizzard Entertainment Europe
XXX-GM-XXX: legal department
XXX-GM-XXX: 145, rue Yves Le Coz
XXX-GM-XXX: ***** Versailles
XXX-GM-XXX: France
XXX-GM-XXX: There we go
you: and how should it be requested?
XXX-GM-XXX: By legal written request, give all details to your account and request the information and data that was used to ban the account as you wish to appeal it in court
XXX-GM-XXX: under the grounds that we did so unlawfully
you: wow, chill there cowboy.... who spoke about court?!?
XXX-GM-XXX: It would be the only way for you to get this over turned under the grounds of us doing the suspension incorrectly.
XXX-GM-XXX: Nothing else will change the outcome currently

Pocked around a bit more to try and get some specific data, but no luck, all i got before he disconnected the chat session was:

XXX-GM-XXX: Honestly looking at the evidence here it is not, as the evidence is indeed right and botting software of some kind was used
XXX-GM-XXX: If it wasnt you, it was from your location so you then need to ask yourself has a brother/sister or friend been playing on your account while on your PC, if so then their actions are seen as yours as that would be sharing the account again against the terms of use, as it causes cases like this
you: dont have brothers, sisters or anyone that lives with me, so no account sharing was done either
XXX-GM-XXX: Then sadly that would mean you downloaded and used something you shouldn’t have multiple ties across a few characters
XXX-GM-XXX: times*
you: only stuff i use in wow that dont come standart are a couple addons all downloaded from curse
XXX-GM-XXX: Sadly there is nothing I can do for you mate, and we could talk about this all night but I need to go home I'm afraid. You have all the information you need, I wish you the best of luck

He does say "botting software of some kind was used", so, dunno if it's honorbuddy that was detected or the combat routine or what ever...