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Honorbuddy Causing Severe in-game Lag


Dec 22, 2014
As the title suggests, wow runs under 4 fps when honorbuddy is running, honorbudddy also takes a good amount of time to initialize and attach to begin with as well, fresh install of both HB and WoW, running DX11 windowed mode 32 bit, blah blah. Cleared wow Cache and HB logs + cache.

Here is the newest log file: View attachment 1160 2016-04-30 17.08.txt
Hi, Jkdiscreet, and thank for the log.

This logs shows problems much bigger than low FPS.

Let's start by shifting the WoWclient from DX11 to DX9 mode, and restart the WoWclient. More info here:

If no joy, please show us a log of the problem in DX9 mode.

Well new issue, fresh HB install, running wow in DX9, honorbuddy doesn't attach to wow, and just closes itself.
Hi, Jkdiscreet, and thanks for the fresh log.

Please leave it in DX9 for now.

The first thing we must eliminate is a missing dependency. Please use the installer, not the zip file, to re-install Honorbuddy. Unlike the zip file, the installer will make certain all necessary dependencies are present and intact. Missing dependencies can sometimes cause errors like those shown in your log. You can find the installer here:

If no joy, it is time to look for interfering programs. These two articles will walk you through the process:

If it starts working again, feel free to switch the WoWclient back to DX11. If no joy, another fresh log please.

Did a fresh HB install with the installer, Here is the log: View attachment 10112 2016-04-30 20.04.txt

guess I'll look through those two guides and se if there's any interfering programs, which is odd because Honorbuddy was running and attaching when I first made this post, and nothing has changed.
Did a fresh HB install with the installer, Here is the log: View attachment 201522

guess I'll look through those two guides and se if there's any interfering programs, which is odd because Honorbuddy was running and attaching when I first made this post, and nothing has changed.
Hi again, Jkdiscreet,

If Honorbuddy was running in your initial post, then you attached the wrong log. Because, the log in your first post clearly shows the same problems.

Here is the newest log file: View attachment 201519
[22:08:48.423 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.15092.821 started.
[22:08:50.552 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<BotBase> - Initializing bots
[22:08:50.552 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<CombatRoutine> - Initializing routines
[22:08:50.555 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<HBPlugin> - Initializing plugins
[22:09:38.777 N] Logging in...
[22:09:38.919 D] Logging in to BestLatency (
[22:09:39.149 N] T: 5247662528215746924 H: 3194123859
[22:09:39.943 N] Attaching to D3D11
[22:09:55.722 N] Error attaching Honorbuddy to WoW! - GreyMagic.InjectionDesyncException: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: Injection Finished Event was never fired
at GreyMagic.Executor.​‫‎‏*​‫****‎**‏‏‏‪​‏​‪‎*(Int32 )
at GreyMagic.Executor.*‪*​***‎*‏***‬***‎‪‎*‏‫**‫*‬*(Int32 )
at GreyMagic.Executor.Execute(Int32 timeout)
at GreyMagic.Executor.GrabFrame()
at Styx.StyxWoW.‎*‪**​​*‎‬​‏**​‬‬‎****‪**‬‏‎‎*(Process , GraphicsApi )
at Honorbuddy.MainWindow.T\\K E?/lCRNM/p8 RzKuG7'j#.MoveNext()

From these logs (including the most recent, and thanks for that), it looks like an interfering program. And until that's cleaned up, we can't pursue the FPS issue.

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So, fixed the issue with the honorbudy launching and attaching, MSI Afterburner was running closed and launched no problem.

Running a Random BG right now to see if the framerate issue is resolved, will upload log after the bg.
Okay so ran the bot for about 1/3 of the BG, seeing severe fps drops down to the 5-10 range.

Here is the log: View attachment 9464 2016-04-30 20.33.txt

Also keep in mind I'm running all the graphics settings on Low as well for testing purposes, I can run Ultra with 100+ FPS no problem without Honorbuddy running, with dips down to 60+ fps in raids and densely populated areas of the game.
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Hi again, Jkdiscreet, and thanks for the fresh log.

Great progress!

First, please make certain the entire Honorbuddy folder is an exception to your Antivirus. If you don't think you are running an AV, then you are most likely using Windows Defender (the OS default, that is automatically enabled).

If no joy, let's disable the streaming of all Buddy Store content.

If still no joy, another fresh log, please.

Have completely disabled Windows Defender, have no other AV programs.

Changed wow back to DX11

Noticed an immediate 50% cut in FPS when HB was launching and attaching, FPS returned to normal after the startup was complete.

Started up the bot to run a BG and the FPS immediate dropped to 15-20ish.

Random BG chosen was Eye of the Storm

- Upon entering the BG FPS returned to normal while sitting in the beginning area before the BG started.
- While in combat FPS would drop to 5-10

BG Ended, back in garrison FPS returned to normal.

Here is the Log: View attachment 2412 2016-04-30 21.02.txt
Hi again, Jkdiscreet, and thanks for the new log.

Sorry the problem is not yet sorted. It gets much harder from here. Indeed, the log shows drops to 9 or 10, and it even gets as low as 6 at one point.

There are many causes for FPS issues. This article identifies all known suspects:

If its not the Antivirus, you may have more 'interfering programs' on your machine than just Afterburner. The article should walk you through the possibilities.

If you are unable to identify a problem, will have to leave this one for Tony to Teamview into your machine and poke around.

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Will now attempt to disable all buddy store content streaming.

Edit - No bueno
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It may be a CPU issue, I've had to thrown in a temporary AMD FX-8350 paired with a temporary ATI Radeon R7 370 4GB GPU and a temp MSI 970 Gaming MOBO since my i5 and old motherboard recently shit the bed on me, that is until I upgrade back up to the i5 5820 and gtx 970 next week.