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Honorbuddy cant click "complete quest" neither can i, reload UI constantly.


New Member
Feb 24, 2010
Hello all and happy new year on you!

I have come across a wierd problem i really cant remember that i have had before.
It started yesterday and the problem is that the bot cant click "complete quest" and neither can i for some reason. Only solution is to reload UI and works for a random amount of time.
If i click it, nothing happens, its damn wierd.
This is the error HB tells me:
[08:43:15:547] Tried to complete quest 5 times with no sucess
[08:43:15:547] Closing Questframe

This might very well not be a HB problem, but since you have the best support i try and ask here first. :D

I have noticed some addons that have been wierd aswell lately:
Interface\AddOns\Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:333: attempt to call global 'time' (a number value)
VERS:3.0.0 MEM: 3578 KB DB:7529 SE:0 SL:1 DCP:200 DBVERS:4
REALMS: , removed due to privacy
STACK: time > CheckDeferredCall > Atr_OnUpdate
ADDONS: , _Cursor, ACP, ArkAutoLootBoP, AtlasLoot, Auctionator, AutoBar, AutoTabard, BadBoy, BankItems, Carbonite, CollectMe, CursorCastbar, DeathNote, DispelFrames, DoubleWideTradeSkills, DrDamage, Energized, GladiatorlosSA, GTFO, GuildKicker, Hermes, IceHUD, InspectFix, LearningAid, Ace3, MikScrollingBattleText, MBB, MSBTOptions, NinjaInvite, NugComboBar, Overachiever, PingSnitch, Postal, PowerAuras, Prat-3.0_Libraries, RaidRoll, ReforgeLite, RSA, SilverDragon, Skada, TidyPlates, TipTac, Trashcan, TrueItemLevel, VendorValue, VuhDo, WIM, +Wowhead_Looter, TelUI_AddonSkins, ElvUI, WoWPro_Achievements, WoWPro_Dailies, WoWPro_Leveling, WowPro_Profession, WoWPro_WorldEvents, DBM, SuperGuildInvite

So, you recon i need to disable all my addons or can you help me fellas?

Thanks in advance!


change your CC folder name from Fpsware priest to Fpsware Priest


i dunno if that will make a difference, as i don't deal w/ bot issues

make a try with all your wow addons disabled and make sure that your wow keybindings are on default
Thanks Kick for the tips and for Tony, i am running HB now with all addons off and it seems to work (running 45mins sofar). Keybindings to default is not gonna happen thou im afraid, i havent changed em much and i have been running HB with these bindings since the begining of my HBing and it worked sofar. And i really need those keybinds where they are, cant rebind em each and every time i bot. :(

Well, it sort of proove my theory that some of the addons is doing this and i hate checking which one it is. Epic amount of reloading UI to try and see which one it is... :(

You dont have any tip for fast-searching which addon it can be? is it one of the addons that produce LUA-errors or can it can a totally random one you think?