My honorbuddy wont work now after 3.3. I started up wow, started up honorbuddy and then it crashes even before authroization. I get the follow error:
Read UInt at 0x2E04 failed
Anyone else noticing this issue?
I'm also experiencing this.
[3:15:21 PM:267] Honorbuddy 1.247 settings list
[3:15:21 PM:269] Follow Distance:1
[3:15:21 PM:271] Foodname:
[3:15:21 PM:273] Drinkname:
[3:15:21 PM:302] LootMobs: True
[3:15:21 PM:304] LootChests: False
[3:15:21 PM:306] HarvestHerbs: False
[3:15:21 PM:308] HarvestMinerals: False
[3:15:21 PM:309] SkinMobs: False
[3:15:21 PM:350] LogicType: -1
[3:15:21 PM:355] MountName:
[3:15:21 PM:357] UseMount: False
[3:15:21 PM:365] Pull Distance: 24.
[3:15:21 PM:367] Loot Radius: 45
[3:15:21 PM:370] Last Used Path: .
[3:15:25 PM:860] Plugin in folder C:\Users\Andrew\Desktop\HB2\Plugins\Auction could not be compiled! Compiler errors:
[3:15:25 PM:869] File: Line: 0 Error: No inputs specified