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honorbuddy broken after 3.3?

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New Member
Feb 17, 2010
My honorbuddy wont work now after 3.3. I started up wow, started up honorbuddy and then it crashes even before authroization. I get the follow error:

Read UInt at 0x2E04 failed

Anyone else noticing this issue?

My honorbuddy wont work now after 3.3. I started up wow, started up honorbuddy and then it crashes even before authroization. I get the follow error:

Read UInt at 0x2E04 failed

Anyone else noticing this issue?


I'm also experiencing this.

[3:15:21 PM:267] Honorbuddy 1.247 settings list
[3:15:21 PM:269] Follow Distance:1
[3:15:21 PM:271] Foodname:
[3:15:21 PM:273] Drinkname:
[3:15:21 PM:302] LootMobs: True
[3:15:21 PM:304] LootChests: False
[3:15:21 PM:306] HarvestHerbs: False
[3:15:21 PM:308] HarvestMinerals: False
[3:15:21 PM:309] SkinMobs: False
[3:15:21 PM:350] LogicType: -1
[3:15:21 PM:355] MountName:
[3:15:21 PM:357] UseMount: False
[3:15:21 PM:365] Pull Distance: 24.
[3:15:21 PM:367] Loot Radius: 45
[3:15:21 PM:370] Last Used Path: .
[3:15:25 PM:860] Plugin in folder C:\Users\Andrew\Desktop\HB2\Plugins\Auction could not be compiled! Compiler errors:
[3:15:25 PM:869] File: Line: 0 Error: No inputs specified
not at all, they jut pay their 15 dollars and hit start. I miss the days when bots were not so retard friendly. Now its just like any ole'schmoe can pick up a bot an ruin the economy. I remember a time when I NEVER saw another botter, now its common place.
not at all, they jut pay their 15 dollars and hit start. I miss the days when bots were not so retard friendly. Now its just like any ole'schmoe can pick up a bot an ruin the economy. I remember a time when I NEVER saw another botter, now its common place.

yep ur the coolest guy in here. Can we all give this guy a round of applause. I pay my money just like everyone else so i dont have to know the workings behind the product. Just like I pay for people like you to make my fast food behind the counter.
you guys are just so superior.

yep ur the coolest guy in here. Can we all give this guy a round of applause. I pay my money just like everyone else so i dont have to know the workings behind the product. Just like I pay for people like you to make my fast food behind the counter.

not at all, they jut pay their 15 dollars and hit start. I miss the days when bots were not so retard friendly. Now its just like any ole'schmoe can pick up a bot an ruin the economy. I remember a time when I NEVER saw another botter, now its common place.

No need for this, question has been answered, move on.
wtffffffffff realms have been up for an hour, fix.................../sarcasm
closed this useless thread, if ppl need anything to do with bots down, go find anything else besides flaming or disturb this comunity. go watch naruto or spartacus >D
closed this useless thread, if ppl need anything to do with bots down, go find anything else besides flaming or disturb this comunity. go watch naruto or spartacus >D

Would that I could.
So I'm new to the community, but wow. I'm a web developer with no experience in the language (Php, Java only), but I'm not entirely sure what you mean by offsets in this context.

Just out of curiosity, about how long do upgrades take? a week? as short as a day? What is typical? No QQ here, I'm fine using autohotkey and my RAF for now.
So I'm new to the community, but wow. I'm a web developer with no experience in the language (Php, Java only), but I'm not entirely sure what you mean by offsets in this context.

Just out of curiosity, about how long do upgrades take? a week? as short as a day? What is typical? No QQ here, I'm fine using autohotkey and my RAF for now.

Memory offsets in WoW that allow data capture change each patch as the code changes. That's about all I can say :D Sometimes it takes an hour to find, sometimes it takes a day, sometimes other things change in the game that need to be updated, hard to say but its different for each patch.
when the game is patched, the places the bot reads wow memory are also changed. Sounds like a lot was changed in this patch which requires the 72 hours offline for GB/hB. I'd much rather they take the time and get it right than lose all my accounts. I'll take me a lot more than 3 days to get back to where I am now if they miss something.
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