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1. If you have not already done so, download or from any of the mirrors and unzip it to a folder.
2. Download Hb2 and unzip it.
3. Start WoW and login, start HB2 and login.
4. Select if you want levelbot, pvpbot or mixed.
4a. If you selected pvpbot or mixed bot, press the "Bot Settings" button and choose the BGs to bot! 5. On the HB2 tab Profiles & Meshes, press the "Select Mesh Folder" button.
6. Navigate to the folder you extracted the mesh data in.
7. Press Start.
ok now it works thank you verry much for the quick responses ... the helpfull ones not the ones sayng to read the faq ... sayng to read the faq and actually showing you where the faq is and highliting your problem are two diferent things . yes some people are nabs for not knowing how to use the forum ... other people are lazy. but in these days if you want to sell a product you need to provide the right service ... thanks ski for the fast help