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i i keep getting critical error disconnections and i dont know if its because im running wow on 32bit when my pc is 64bit, if its honorbuddy or if its the wow client not downloading the patch right. Does it like every 40 minutes
Wouldn't that be a red flag for BLizz in the future for clients running 32 bit client in a 64 bit environment?? And running DX9? Especially on newer more capable systems?
Wouldn't that be a red flag for BLizz in the future for clients running 32 bit client in a 64 bit environment?? And running DX9? Especially on newer more capable systems?
Not really, since you can be a legit user that just runs a normal wow install and doesnt bother using 64bit or dx11.
I also have a highend system running 32bit windows and dont have problems with a few megabyte of ram missing
Many applications arent even ported to 64bit, some of them wont profit from that too.