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Honor Buddy? Seriously?

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New Member
Aug 14, 2010
Let me preface...

I've been around since the start of HB - before HB the botting community was scattered, and HB really created the first community driven Bot.

But let's face the facts. It's named Honor Buddy, and the thing it does with the LEAST amount of success is collect Honor. The Battlegrounds are in serious need of work. The logic for movement is erratic - running solo into packs of 5-10 people and dieing instantly, to rez and run right back to the SAME spot and die again. You can see the bot doing bot like things, especially ending with a score of 1-14, or 2-16 - Damage done is bottom 3, Etc.

This brings me to the next point.. The purpose of the bot is to level, gain honor and help you do tasks you don't want to do... like the tedious quests, grinding, etc. The Singular CC's do a pretty good job of Leveling a toon (be it Questing, or grinding). Beyond the singular CC's - most are LazyRaider CC's which is fine - but only x% of the community can use them. The rest of the users are leveling toons they wouldnt otherwise have started on their own or PVPing. There is a SERIOUS lack of viable CC's. It's a complete gamble if your character is going to end up having a CC that will be worth a damn - example, Warlocks. Warlocks can level okay using Singular - but they have NO PVP CC at all, and there are no alternatives.

KickAzz's profiles are gold - the submitted profiles and plug-ins are always interesting and make the bot worth using.

But come on, It's Honor Buddy.. shouldn't the priority here be to fix this massively broken part of the program? Most people level their toon to 85 - then have to PVP them to get enough ilvl to use LFR or raid. The PVP stage of this is nearly a guaranteed way to get your account banned. You have created this massive community - revolutionized the way botting is accomplished - but the lynchpin on your entire operation are CC's that are completely hit or miss. Give your developers, plug-in creators and community some incentive to create the best CC for PVP - Questing - Raiding. Not just for Shamans or Paladins, but for EVERY class - such as Warlocks, Hunters, etc. As it stands right now, there are about 3 classes worth botting, Pally's, Shamans and DK's.

This is alienating a huge % of your community that doesnt play these classes - they're frustrated and disgruntled that their class gets no love. We need a bot that does 3 things excellently well - Questing (farming), PVP and Raiding. All these other perks are great, but they're taking away from the basics that made this community worth while. So far it looks like this -

LazyRaider - Most classes represented
Questing - Singular supports classes, but some are next to impossible to get to work with consistency or success.
PVP - Paladins and DK's seem to do okay - Pretty much any EZ(PVP) CC is worth while, but the rest are NO where to be found.

We cant get to the good stuff, like the Lazyraider CC's, until we have viable, functioning PVP. Without it we cant make the transition from questing a toon, to getting it geared enough to have fun with it or raid. I hope this is a call to arms of some sort.

If you support this - post a reply show some solidarity, with enough maybe we can inspire some good development.
I do believe that the Buddy team work very hard to keep the bot to standards, i have seen many replies from Moderators indicating that they are working on BG Buddy to improve the logic used.

Any experience i have had with BG Buddy has been not to bad, yeah i sometimes have come out low on the boards but that just happens sometimes when the bot just does not want to do what it needs to do.
I do believe that the Buddy team work very hard to keep the bot to standards, i have seen many replies from Moderators indicating that they are working on BG Buddy to improve the logic used.

Any experience i have had with BG Buddy has been not to bad, yeah i sometimes have come out low on the boards but that just happens sometimes when the bot just does not want to do what it needs to do.

I think HonorBuddy is amazing, and the dedication of the developers has never been a question - but the focus has shifted on a million other things, while one of the major components is supremely lacking and has been for a very long time.
but the focus has shifted on a million other things, while one of the major components is supremely lacking and has been for a very long time.

I do agree that they have a lot of things on their plate at the moment, but once things get ironed out then they can focus on the main components that the community needs(IB2, Improved BG Buddy, Dungeon Buddy).
personally i only use the PVP part and i have every class and i have found a CC that works ( i said works not owns) for every class ( i have all 10). all i did was watch then for a few hours while doing something else to ensure they do work.

i agree with OP though, Pala, dk and any EZpvp works very well
Well I have bgbotted the most of the classes, and I think there is working CC's for all of them?
you want a bot to pvp your toon after you quest bot it so you can lazyraider bot it? why not try to improve it yourself? you may find it enjoyable as you say you dont want to play solo too much.

without seeming like i'm flaming cos i'm not, but why not do it yourself? when i started my dk cc there wasnt any lazyraider cc for a dk, learning it isnt that difficult, and the community is very helpful if you are constructive. you could make a pvp cc for your favourite class? make aplugin which prevents bots in bg running shamelessly to thier deaths into large groups? what about a plugin that makes the bots use strafe more, as thats one of the most un-bot-like characteristics you'll see imo?

i've gotta be honest, my experience of bgbots isnt good, and you can spot them a mile away, always. but thats not an issue for me as its not really one of my priorities.

mmo glider didnt make your toon fly. its only a name and the guys always have alot on thier plate.

honestly i'm not flaming but this just seems like a whine post, sorry :S
One day i wrote something pretty similar asking about better, or at least cc's for class xyz / specc.

I don't remember who the mod was who said that, but i remember the answer, something like:

"The Buddyteam provides the software you have singular for basic stuff, if you want something specific, ask the cc writers or do it yourself."

ba dum tz. congrats. They are not willing to support high quality cc's.
One day i wrote something pretty similar asking about better, or at least cc's for class xyz / specc.

I don't remember who the mod was who said that, but i remember the answer, something like:

"The Buddyteam provides the software you have singular for basic stuff, if you want something specific, ask the cc writers or do it yourself."

ba dum tz. congrats. They are not willing to support high quality cc's.

since that day there is a Singular rewrite in case you missed it
Well I have bgbotted the most of the classes, and I think there is working CC's for all of them?

It is not about "working"...it is the how. Sure you can bot with every class, but thread creator means cc's that are good in what they are supposed to do.

Do i need a pvp bot that is so damn slow in reacting that i'm being kited arround or people strafe / run arround me and the bot turns super stupid and slow or something? hell no. Sure it works...but looks like crying for "hey guys check me out i'm a bot, please report me"

There needs to be more softer movement. For every single aspect of botting. No hard 90? direction shifts or any zig zag botlike movement.

In pvp you see bots from miles away....they reach their pull / attack range, mount up on range, stand still, do attack, then move towards you. Especially for melee classes they could just run into an enemy mounted, mount off WHILE running, attack WHILE running to the enemy..and stuff like tha. Not this stuttering jerky motion, just human like liquid motion.

Any way, bgbuddy is far better then what we had before. Especially as a healer it runs very great (beside getting stuck and stuff like that).
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First, this bot is fucking awesome. It sure isnt player like (i mean its a bot) but it keeps getting better and better!

But if you know how to use it and use the plugins and profiles provided by some community members it can be pretty flawless.


Developers are working on fixing the BGbuddy issue and all we have to do is wait.

For now I would suggest you only running BGbuddy in AV/Eots/BoG and WSG as a healer or going EzRet,EzFrost or PVProgue by Swiny. Those classes will never make you look like a bot performance wise
I was thinking of leveling up another class and race after doing 7x 85 durning year. After like 5 levels I already got bored of the slow leveling progress, as doing it without heirlooms or guild perks. Boring how? Well you see, I had already done that start zone earlier with other class. Next thing I know, Im on my 85 running HoT HC farming JP heirlooms with lazy raider for the other class I just started. Raid finder 4 set bonus + VP gear + 2 pieces of honor gear and honor trinkets. Also got whole honor pvp set farmed, and conquest pieces are on the way, yet I rather not farm BGs for conquest points since that takes a lot of time. Rather now learn to play my class properly and actually start to play the game.
you want a bot to pvp your toon after you quest bot it so you can lazyraider bot it? why not try to improve it yourself? you may find it enjoyable as you say you dont want to play solo too much.

without seeming like i'm flaming cos i'm not, but why not do it yourself? when i started my dk cc there wasnt any lazyraider cc for a dk, learning it isnt that difficult, and the community is very helpful if you are constructive. you could make a pvp cc for your favourite class? make aplugin which prevents bots in bg running shamelessly to thier deaths into large groups? what about a plugin that makes the bots use strafe more, as thats one of the most un-bot-like characteristics you'll see imo?

i've gotta be honest, my experience of bgbots isnt good, and you can spot them a mile away, always. but thats not an issue for me as its not really one of my priorities.

mmo glider didnt make your toon fly. its only a name and the guys always have alot on thier plate.

honestly i'm not flaming but this just seems like a whine post, sorry :S

The purpose of a bot is so that you are free to do everything else. It's automation of tedious tasks.

I think it's kind of stupid when people say "why dont you do it yourself" on a forum that's designed to have something else do it for you. By your argument - why bot at all? Just do it yourself?

FYI - the term "glider" is defined by
3. a person or thing that glides.
1.) to move smoothly and continuously along, as if without effort or resistance.

You might be thinking of hang gliding, or a sugar glider - but I dont believe the MDY named Glider as such because of the implication of flying.
First, this bot is fucking awesome. It sure isnt player like (i mean its a bot) but it keeps getting better and better!

But if you know how to use it and use the plugins and profiles provided by some community members it can be pretty flawless.


Developers are working on fixing the BGbuddy issue and all we have to do is wait.

For now I would suggest you only running BGbuddy in AV/Eots/BoG and WSG as a healer or going EzRet,EzFrost or PVProgue by Swiny. Those classes will never make you look like a bot performance wise

Verus, I agree with you - the development and bot itself is awesome. You hit the nail on the head by saying that you should use, 3 cc's. What if you dont have a DK, Pally or Rogue? (which I do, but for example) - Then I guess you cant really PVP it.
kids these days

If you actually read the OP, no one is disrespecting or being ungrateful for HB. In-fact, numerous people in this thread vouch for it's amazing development. However, it's limited by things we mentioned, HB's only going to get better.
First our BG bot base was lacking logic, people requested it to be more "intelligent", we listened and the result was bgbuddy.
BGbuddy itself was a huge improvement.

The problem with it, was its success, as funny as it may sound.
The logic of BGBuddy relies on the assumption that more humans than bots do bg.
Our hb success was that there were bgs with lets say 2 humans out of 40, which caused big issues. If one bot or a few, do the "best action of the moment", its ok, but if all of them do--> problem.

Therefore we are currently thinking about how to solve the problem with bgs that have a majority of bgbuddy users and make it even more intelligent and humanlike.
This is a huge project and will take a while.

refer to
#88 BGBuddy skynet project. Avoid mass grouping of buddies in same battleground

current status of all tickets can be found here:

I've been running BG Buddy quite a bit the past few weeks, and for me, I don't really have too many gripes. Besides the occasional stuck issues, and funny paths the bot will take in certain BG's (go left in AV? into 40 oncoming players...lmao), I've had great success with HB.

I guess your mileage may vary. But for me, it's been working great.
Lol trollalalaa, want everything handed to you at ounce. Who cares what it is called, they try to level it out. A majority of the bot it used for 1) Leveling 2)Gathering 3)Honor all in that order.
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