Yeah, haha, as I was in Alterac to bot some honor for my twink (rogue)
2 another rogues walked exact the same line as me. Man it was so obvious
also a bot dropped down of the street walked again a wall and I thought well looks
like Pirox as HB would find his own way back. So I whispered him "yo dawg your
bot is walking against a wall"
note: (he was targeting enemys on the street while walking against the wall and moving into theirs
So he answered me "ya man I just watched a movie and was walking with auto run"
Me: "sure mate dunno that auto run now also target enemys and follow them"
He: "ya deal with it and get the fuck off"
so I thought what a unfriendly guy and scared the shit out of him "I reported you my guild did my friends I made
a video about you and will hunt you down for ever" well of course I not even opened a ticket as I'm much
to lazy but the result was that I never saw him AV again, haha.