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Hi, im new here :)


New Member
Dec 22, 2011
HI. I just bought honorbuddy, i have bot for 2-3 years using pirox. And i now change to honorbuddy.
And i just downloaded a profile, and bot for 2-3 hours. and i just have to say WOW!!
This is so much faster then pirox, especially when it comes to looting and ressing.
I bot on my hunter atm, and afther what i can understand the bot set up his own abilitys ect? I havent config anything yet, going to see some guids at youtube and forums before i start config it :)
The onlything im not happy with is that he dont ress the pet , he just try to "call" it.
And he dont turnaround afther he walk away from a targett, and dont use feig death. But maybe i have to config this myself, idk yet :D( write in chat if u know btw )
Anyway i just want to say good job, and happy x-mas :)
if he dont try to ress pet you need to get a new CC "Combat Class", the starndard one is the Singular one wich isnt always tiptop, i use the one Fpsware has made, go to the HB part of the Forums and go to the costumclasses, then hunter, then find the Fpsware one and read the guide how to download it and install it carefully... the folder HAS to be renamed from the original name or it wont work ^^
I found out was the problem was, i respec afther i started the bot so it bug(dident update).
So he wasent able to ress exotic pets.
It works great now, and he even traps if i get aggro on more then 1 mob :)
I found out was the problem was, i respec afther i started the bot so it bug(dident update).
So he wasent able to ress exotic pets.
It works great now, and he even traps if i get aggro on more then 1 mob :)

Yeah HB is good at this. :)
yeah, HB is god compared to other bots (I just love that you don't need to add spells to bars and config them and other things that are done and u can just download profile and go :P)