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Hey all - 3/3 banned. Need advice.


New Member
Apr 11, 2013
First and foremost, I know the routine. Here is the form:

1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Gatherbuddy2

2)If so, when was the last time?: April 11th 2013, at around 9amish.

3)What profile were you using?: 3 different accounts, 6 various public profiles, rotating through them with breaks.

4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Singular

5)What plugins are you using?: Default + ShutUpAIML (Also used HBRelog, not sure if that matters)

6)How many hours per day did you bot for?: 10 hour shifts, with randomized breaks

6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 70%

7)How many auctions per day did you have?: On the banned accounts? Zero.

8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? No.

9)Was your account involved in gold selling? Not those accounts.

10)EU or US realm? US.

11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? Paid accounts

I recieved this email:


Offense: Use of Bots or Third-Party Automation Software

Blizzard has terminated this World of Warcraft license after identifying the usage of bots or other cheat software.

These programs (commonly called cheats, bots, and hacks) automate certain aspects of gameplay, or provide unintended advantages and abilities to the player. This type of cheating undermines other players' experience and severely upsets the balance of the game environment.

Blizzard reserves the right to terminate access for conduct of this nature, with or without warning, as noted in the World of Warcraft Terms of Use:
Blizzard Entertainment:World of Warcraft Terms of Use

Blizzard Entertainment


A couple things: First off I didn't post my ban issue until now because I have been rather busy. That is why it is late. Now the questions/backstory.

*******************Backstory, not my current issue***************************************************************************************

So I got into botting at the beginning of the year, made many mistakes. I tried one account, then eventually tried 3 (actual farmers) but I got banned.
However I wanted to see the "worst case scenario" when I first tried botting. So I botted 24/7 and ran my bot/bots into the ground. It took me a good 3 weeks of 24 hour farming
before I was finally banned. After learning many things I decided to try again. (the 24/7 farming was when my 3 accounts were all up, first account lasted longer).


This time around I decided to try the "cautious approach". I started 3 more accounts (I also use other "not upgraded accounts" for sales, and selling, for a total of 5 accounts.)

I took my time leveling them due to being very busy, it took over a month to get them to max level. (not playing time.) When leveling they were supervised almost 100% of the time.

Once I started full time farming (10 hours a day, randomized times and lengths of farming) I only made it 3 days, yes 3 days, until I got busted.

The only thing that I can think of that I possibly did wrong, was that I used public profiles, however I only ran the profiles for an hourish (randomized) at a time before swapping to a different profile. Of course the other bots did not use the same profile at the same time.

The thing that confuses me most is, I got busted on 3 accounts, that have never traded. They have not associated at all. They sent their stuff to a different account. The other 2 accounts were not touched. How is it that my farmers all got instant busted, however they had zero interaction with each other.

So my question to you is this:

What did I do wrong?
Was I simply unlucky?
Am I bad at this game? (lolz)
How did my 3 farmers get busted, but my other accounts did not?
Do you have any tips on how not to be bad?

Off note: For all those worried about competition, I won't be getting back into the game for a while due to real life schedule. To be fair the experience was good imo. I learned quite a bit and have much to learn in the future. I simply am looking for any advice on where I goofed.
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I have only lost 1/3 accounts so far, but it doesn't look good. The other 2 accounts have been going hard since the ban. Sorry about you're accounts. I have 1 thing to say, the 2 accounts that are "alive" have been played for almost 4 years, so they are really fleshed out, and I raid-arena all the time. I really play a lot. They seem to be catching up to a lot of botters this week. GL
Thanks so much for your reply. Yeah, due to the nature of what I am doing I cannot invest much time into those accounts, I hope they don't hit you with the hammer!

Any other thoughts? 91 views no replies. I mean I can't even get trolled in this thread?
Thanks so much for your reply. Yeah, due to the nature of what I am doing I cannot invest much time into those accounts, I hope they don't hit you with the hammer!

Any other thoughts? 91 views no replies. I mean I can't even get trolled in this thread?

Off the bat, ill go ahead and say 10-hour shifts MIGHT be the culprit. We ALL know we have played 10+ plus legitimatley, but think about your behaviors (and anyone else's for tha matter) during an extended session: Probably a little eradict, possibly very productive in terms of leveling/xp/gearing etc, but still a general mix of actions. This even includes chatting with people, ganking an allie or two, maybe raging on vent even. Whatever the case, 10 hours of a bot (public profile or not) is far too long of a consistant behavior pattern. I stick to `1-2 (MAX 3) sessions, and that might includ farming, grinding, or even just chatting it up with whatver guild the toon is in (99% of my bots guildies dont even realize - they just think im either ADD poster child or am just a rude d-bag heh). Cut your times down, mix it up. Sounds like a pin int he butt? THe ban hammer has a cure for that boredom. I think they refer to it as "IRL" er some other gibberish. But really, you gotta put a little effort into putting in none in the long run.

Sry to hear abotu the accounts. GL, keep it spastic/human-esque, and rape/plunder the world of wow :D
So my question to you is this:

What did I do wrong?
Was I simply unlucky?
Am I bad at this game? (lolz)
How did my 3 farmers get busted, but my other accounts did not?
Do you have any tips on how not to be bad?
- Botting
- nope, lot of people get hit
- yes you are
- ask blizzard for justice to ban other accounts
- no
Nowdays if you use GB2, no matter how you use it, you will get banned. that's all there is to it. It may take 3 days or 3 weeks, but it's a guarantee. doesnt make any difference how often you log in and out for breaks, how much yuo chat, run lfrs and dungeons, anything. only thing that may help is to only run like under 2 hours TOTAL per day, but that doesnt make any gold so why bother

It doesnt make any difference if you use public or private profiles, new IPs, any tricks. getting reported may get you banned faster, but they don't need reports. same way they don't need reports to ban botters in diablo - it's done server-side, and once they spot a potential botter they have the technology to (very accurately) separate human gatherers from GB2, or any other kind of bot

I've had every GB2 farmer eventually banned, and never been touched on any other use of the bot, despite running it for 1000s of hours by now... BGs, arche, dungeons, achieves, dailies, etc
Well i have been botting for more than 6 months on 2 accounts and I have sometimes used GB2 for 12-24h unsupervised and I had none of those accounts banned yet.
It might make a difference that iam on a low pop EU realm instead of an US realm but yeah. GB2 using does not necesarrily mean a ban.
Need advice from not getting banned? Don't bot!

Thanks for the bump, but this is irrelevant, of course if you read the thread you would notice I am aware of that.

- Botting
- nope, lot of people get hit
- yes you are
- ask blizzard for justice to ban other accounts
- no

Thanks for the bump!

You happen to not answer anything that I asked for, you replied to my question "Am I unlucky" with no, people get hit. Which basically makes no sense, you should try and explain what you mean by this. The reasoning is, if "people just get hit", then I would be unlucky would I not? Anyways, thanks for the bump.

Nowdays if you use GB2, no matter how you use it, you will get banned. that's all there is to it. It may take 3 days or 3 weeks, but it's a guarantee. doesnt make any difference how often you log in and out for breaks, how much yuo chat, run lfrs and dungeons, anything. only thing that may help is to only run like under 2 hours TOTAL per day, but that doesnt make any gold so why bother

It doesnt make any difference if you use public or private profiles, new IPs, any tricks. getting reported may get you banned faster, but they don't need reports. same way they don't need reports to ban botters in diablo - it's done server-side, and once they spot a potential botter they have the technology to (very accurately) separate human gatherers from GB2, or any other kind of bot

I've had every GB2 farmer eventually banned, and never been touched on any other use of the bot, despite running it for 1000s of hours by now... BGs, arche, dungeons, achieves, dailies, etc

This is kinda what I was thinking. I may just have to go hard, or go home. I won't be botting for a bit, will pick it back up in the future. I guess running them into the ground is the only way to make anything.

Well i have been botting for more than 6 months on 2 accounts and I have sometimes used GB2 for 12-24h unsupervised and I had none of those accounts banned yet.
It might make a difference that iam on a low pop EU realm instead of an US realm but yeah. GB2 using does not necesarrily mean a ban.

I see, grats to you. Question though, how often are you botting with GB2, daily? Or just once a week? My last realm was low pop too, this realm was high pop. However I made so much more gold on this realm than the last realm it is ridiculous. (Relative, yes I know I only have a few bots.)
I used to every night but lately i have i been reducing it a bid to get my electricity bill down so i would say 3 or 4 days a week for usually 10 - 12 hours, usually when i sleep so unsupervised.
You happen to not answer anything that I asked for, you replied to my question "Am I unlucky" with no, people get hit. Which basically makes no sense, you should try and explain what you mean by this. The reasoning is, if "people just get hit", then I would be unlucky would I not? Anyways, thanks for the bump.
Actualy I told you. You are get wrong because you are botting. You are not unlucky because lot of people is banned because they are doing same thing like you, botting. If you need some advice, do resarch on this forum how to safe botting and you will be fine. You cant gathering all time because normal players dont do that. I was wondering when it gona finish this crap with MOP and milling herbs and enchants and endless herb gathering. We didnt do this before MOP. In cata Uldum was black hole for botters, today is greedy for enchants. Just take a look what you are doing! I gona tell you. You was farming Jade Forest and Valey of the Four Winds. And because that they banned you. Because you are bot and they realise that based on your behaviors. Normal players dont farm that long, normal players actualy play the game. You cant spend xxx amount of hours ingame and only farm. That is answer for all your questions! How did you start to botting? Friend told you that is fast way to make gold, because he is doing that for days and blizz didnt ban him. Why not, you gona start 2. That is the problem, most of you dont know how to do this. Why? Because you need to come here first, read some advice and then start to botting.
I am sorry for your lost, but check post before MOP on this forum about safe botting!
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Actualy I told you. You are get wrong because you are botting. You are not unlucky because lot of people is banned because they are doing same thing like you, botting. If you need some advice, do resarch on this forum how to safe botting and you will be fine. You cant gathering all time because normal players dont do that. I was wondering when it gona finish this crap with MOP and milling herbs and enchants and endless herb gathering. We didnt do this before MOP. In cata Uldum was black hole for botters, today is greedy for enchants. Just take a look what you are doing! I gona tell you. You was farming Jade Forest and Valey of the Four Winds. And because that they banned you. Because you are bot and they realise that based on your behaviors. Normal players dont farm that long, normal players actualy play the game. You cant spend xxx amount of hours ingame and only farm. That is answer for all your questions! How did you start to botting? Friend told you that is fast way to make gold, because he is doing that for days and blizz didnt ban him. Why not, you gona start 2. That is the problem, most of you dont know how to do this. Why? Because you need to come here first, read some advice and then start to botting.
I am sorry for your lost, but check post before MOP on this forum about safe botting!

Couple things:
- If you are going to make an aggressive post, attempt to correct your grammar and spelling. Without doing so you sound ridiculous.
- Also making character assumptions makes you look silly as well.

Now to address what you said:

I am sorry if you think that anyone who bots for any kind of profit only farms for a very limited time per day per bot. This in itself would be economically inefficient. (The assumption here is, my bots should "act like players". Sure, I will only farm for 1 hour per day, and make sure to do my dailies and my raid finder so I seem legit, right? And by doing so, I will never ever make my money back. No sorry.)

The botters who put time and effort into generating profit do not spend hours watching or playing their bots in a raiding or an arena scenario. They supervise to an extent I would imagine, but I seriously doubt they sit all day with their bots. It defeats the entire purpose of botting no?

Also you assumed I didn't do any research before I started botting. This is false as well. The running "word of mouth" on how much you can "safely bot" (note that is in quotes, I understand there is no safe botting) is 10ish hours per day. So I went with that number. Also if you read my post prior you would notice that my first set of bots ran 24/7, and lasted MUCH LONGER than these bots, that acted "much more human like". According to your logic this batch of bots should have lasted longer, right?

Also, i got a big chuckle at you claiming to know my history on botting. I don't know anyone botting, I knew bots existed but I didn't know anyone personally. I find it amusing that you make the claim "my friend told me about botting". Not at all, I happen to do a google search, and spent my time researching from there. In fact I have learned 100x more than I used to know about botting. It has been an interesting experience, one I do not regret.

Also, you make the assumption that again, a friend told me this is a fast way to make gold. No, lol. Botting in itself doesn't make gold, the user who has bots and knows how to use the AH (also server dependent) makes gold.

You also seem to make this claim that "I should do research" and find the "safe way to bot" for profit, even though you make the claim there is no safe botting (which is true). This contradicts itself. If botting is already unsafe, why would I take time to make my bots, "more human like" for more safety, if I am already condemned from the beginning? This is nonsensical.

If running bots less than 10 hours a day is the "only profitable" way to bot, then I sincerely doubt anyone actually makes profit from doing so.

Sure, if I actually played wow and wanted extra gold on my toon, then yeah botting for much less would be fine. However, anyone with a decent amount of reading comprehension can figure out that isn't my intention.

So, again your response is meaningless. I could sum up your response with this:

"Hurr durr, you need to bot smart idiot face, because then you can profit cuz u wont get banned, and that means you need to not bot for more than (insert some arbitrary number less than 10) hours a day, You are SO DUMB do some research, derp derp derp."

No, I doubt anyone who has generated profit off of botting seriously only bots for 5ish hours a day. That means your bots would have to survive ~5 times as long in order to generate the same amount of profit. Also, the reinvestment cost of running bots much longer would be cancelled out by the generated profits. Eventually you would get lucky and a batch of bots would last a couple+ months. That in itself would be much more profitable than me sitting around running arena, doing BGs, raiding just to farm for 5ish hours a day (arbitrary number under 10).

TLDR: If you can't comment anything intelligent, and just wish to spit insults, you don't need to be in this thread. Hell even if you said "Well why not next time, try and farm less and maybe do arena or raiding with your bots." That would have been considered constructive advice, not the amount of verbal poop I just had to sift through.
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*snip* *Didn't fully read but scanned over it

It's pretty obvious his first language isn't English, and for that, he actually wrote pretty well except for the lack of any paragraphs. Let's see you learn another language.

As for some advice, you say that your accounts had no interaction... but do they all use the same IP? Did you use the same paypal/bank card to buy your xpacs?

Blizzard could possibly flag ip's.. and then they let you buy 3 more accs worth of xpacs and game time - but as soon as you start looking like that farm bot again? Ban. Even if you didn't use your paypal/card, unless your using a VPS or something - you still have 3 accounts using the same ip all farming. Even if you have 8 hrs shifts on the accs or whatever, the ip is still connected 24/7.

Bottom line is, nobody farms all the time =/ Nobody. Not even for 2 days straight, not at least without doing SOMETHING else in between or chatting to other players while doing it.
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Nema problema, napisacu post gramaticki ispravan samo za tebe. Moj jezik je srpski, zato cu i koristiti srpski. Nisam dosao ovde da se bilo s kime raspravljam. Odgovorio sam ti na sva postavljena pitanja. Ocito si dosao na ovaj forum da se pravis pametan. Nema problema, tvoja stvar. Ako ces dovoditi u pitanje svaki moj odgovor tebi, zasto li su uopste trazio neke odgovore i cemu tvoja pitanja. Ima jos gomila budalastina koje si napisao ali me je mrzelo da citam do kraja ceo tvoj post. Ne moras da pretrazujes forum, ne moras nista da radis, uzmi botuj kao i do sada pa cu citati o tebi i za mesec dana. Vidis tu se razlikujemo i jedno sto sam ovde naucio je da je account bitniji od profita. Uostalom vidim da sve znas i da si popio svu mudrost sveta, ne razumem zasto uopste i postavljas ikakva pitanja. Ne znam koliko puta duze moras da botujes za istu zaradu 5 ili 6 puta ali znam jedno. Botujem duze od tebe deset puta i nemam ni jedan ban.
Nema problema, napisacu post gramaticki ispravan samo za tebe. Moj jezik je srpski, zato cu i koristiti srpski. Nisam dosao ovde da se bilo s kime raspravljam. Odgovorio sam ti na sva postavljena pitanja. Ocito si dosao na ovaj forum da se pravis pametan. Nema problema, tvoja stvar. Ako ces dovoditi u pitanje svaki moj odgovor tebi, zasto li su uopste trazio neke odgovore i cemu tvoja pitanja. Ima jos gomila budalastina koje si napisao ali me je mrzelo da citam do kraja ceo tvoj post. Ne moras da pretrazujes forum, ne moras nista da radis, uzmi botuj kao i do sada pa cu citati o tebi i za mesec dana. Vidis tu se razlikujemo i jedno sto sam ovde naucio je da je account bitniji od profita. Uostalom vidim da sve znas i da si popio svu mudrost sveta, ne razumem zasto uopste i postavljas ikakva pitanja. Ne znam koliko puta duze moras da botujes za istu zaradu 5 ili 6 puta ali znam jedno. Botujem duze od tebe deset puta i nemam ni jedan ban.

God you are such a retard!!! you are the word HATER itself. you need to find a doctor to solve that ;)
God you are such a retard!!! you are the word HATER itself. you need to find a doctor to solve that ;)