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I ain't saying it won't be big. From the alpha, I can definitely say that it will become big if Blizz plays its cards cleverly. I am saying the gameplay is not complicated, you don't have to last hit minions or deny to effectively play the game. Now, a simple rotation bot for your skills could be useful, but since we have not seen anything for dota 2 / lol, I doubt we will see for HotS ( fingers crossed I'm wrong ).
If anyone where to make a bot for this game it would either be BOL or Ensage... as they are super moba friendly rotation bots / bots to use with current MOBAS...
Hero's of the strom is very time consuming i'm also in the alpha for awhile now i just reached level 16.
but there is a daily cap on experience 1.2 million exp, however the daily's quest seem to still give, as well as the hero quests.
honestly i'd pay for another bot just to keep the progression going overnight to unlock more heroes,skins,gold and all the other good fun earlier on.
Would be nice to have one. Even if it was only for practise mode (no other human players ingame), which would still grant experience and a little bit of gold.
Should one be build, I'll definately buy it!
A bot for HoTS would be really handy for gold farming or exp for example, since it takes fucking ages to get gold/exp, and it's a simple game so coding it won't be all to hard compared to diablo.