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New Member
Dec 24, 2015

Anyone have an idea how i can force BW to use heroic mission pass.

I try to make profile for weekly 2+ heroics, but i cant get passes work=(

thx for any help

soz for bad english.
Now I am trying to solve the same problem. By the way the names are different.

<UseItem QuestId="1" Item="Heroic Transport: Jawa Trade" WaitTime="10" Range="2" InCombat="False" Radius="2" X="76.00305" Y="45.18061" Z="63.40958" />

But I have problem, bot fail to stop (cycle) on this line and no conditions do not help.

soz for bad english. ((
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Oke Nice, i Guess they changed it, at 4.0 launch they all had the same name heroic transport.

I'll try later today, see what I can try...
try this example:
<Profile xmlns="http://tempuri.org/ProfileSchema.xsd">
  <Name>[R] L65 - Weekly Heroics - by CryoGenesis</Name>
  <!-- Version 1.0 - Initial Release -->
<!-- Put in vendors -->

<!-- Put in Grindarea -->	

	[HEROIC 2+] Special Delivery
	Id: 0xE0008D2D6754EDB1
	Current Step: 2
	Current Branch: 1
	Repeatable: True
	Profile Functions: 
		IsStepComplete(0xE0008D2D6754EDB1, 2)
 		<If Condition="((not HasQuest(0xE0008D2D6754EDB1)) and (not IsQuestComplete(0xE0008D2D6754EDB1)) )">
		 	<PickUpQuest QuestName="[HEROIC 2+] Special Delivery" QuestId="0xE0008D2D6754EDB1" GiverType="Placeable" UseRange="2" Radius="5" GiverName="Weekly Heroic Missions" X="-19.68055" Y="14.201" Z="15.05659" />
 		</If> <!-- Do note, the bot fails to pick up the quests, as there is a new Quest pickup windows!!! -->	

		 <!-- [HEROIC 2+] Special Delivery -->
 		<If Condition="((HasQuest(0xE0008D2D6754EDB1)) and (not IsQuestComplete(0xE0008D2D6754EDB1)) )">
 			<If Condition="(not IsStepComplete(0xE0008D2D6754EDB1, 2))">
				<UseItem QuestId="0xE0008D2D6754EDB1" Name="Heroic Transport: Special Delivery" WaitTime="5" X="-19.68055" Y="14.201" Z="15.05659" />
 		<UserDialog Title="Done!" Message="I'm Done!" />



Do note, quest pickup from the weekly terminal DOESNT work. This is a new window and needs to be added by Aevitas to work!
Also Odessen needs to be meshed.
to Cryogenesis
You tested your profile?
I try to make own profile for your example:

 		<If Condition="((HasQuest(0xE00011FA49AF8257)) and (not IsQuestComplete(0xE00011FA49AF8257)) )">	
 			<If Condition="(not IsStepComplete(0xE00011FA49AF8257, 2))">
				<UseItem QuestId="0xE00011FA49AF8257" Name="Heroic Transport: Supply Lines" WaitTime="5" X="81.70161" Y="44.63665" Z="46.51278" />
 	                	<UserDialog Title="Done!" Message="I'm Done!" />


Bot use heroic mission pass and jump to quest but return to point (X="81.70161" Y="44.63665" Z="46.51278") and use pass again.
Bot don't proceeds to the next line (<UserDialog Title="Done!" Message="I'm Done!" />).

Any idea what wrong?
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But it does teleport?
My Guess, it detects the travel and stops...
Upload your log.

Please use the code tags if you upload coding...
You are using Walters routine. Thats ancient :)
Could you try with defaultcombat?

What i see from your log is, that it want to do a MoveTo, but then nothing.
Did BW crash or something?

The bot currently cannot transition between zones/planets correctly, it will die on you.
Aevitas is looking into it, but i cant give a timeframe when it should be patched.
I try with defaultcombat and nothing changed.

No jumps between zones. I put the point in the same area with the quest. BW use heroic mission pass and jump to quest but return to point and use pass again.
BW don't crash.

Can i use <UseItem> without coordinates? (If I can then what syntax?)
So with the heroics you get the heroic from the mission terminal but completion is done on the fly.
What you can do is the following:
<If Condition="((HasQuest(0x)) and (not IsQuestComplete(0x)))">
<!-- Do Quest -->

<While Condition="((HasQuest(0x)) and (IsQuestComplete(0x)))">
<!-- When done move To -->
<MoveTo QuestId="0x" Name="Moving to safety" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" />
<While Condition="(Me.Position.X &gt; -230) and (Me.Position.X &lt; -228) and (Me.Position.Y &gt; 80) and (Me.Position.Y &lt; 82) and (Me.Position.Z &gt; -230) and (Me.Position.Z &lt; -228)">
<UseItem ...>

Now useitem should only be used between certain coordinates and ONLY when the quest is complete (when completion window is up) and moved to the safe spot we defined with MoveTo.
If you need more help post the coordinates, grindzones and stuff here ill help you build.