<Profile xmlns="http://tempuri.org/ProfileSchema.xsd">
<Name>[R] L65 - Weekly Heroics - by CryoGenesis</Name>
<!-- Version 1.0 - Initial Release -->
<!-- Put in vendors -->
<!-- Put in Grindarea -->
[HEROIC 2+] Special Delivery
Id: 0xE0008D2D6754EDB1
Current Step: 2
Current Branch: 1
Repeatable: True
Profile Functions:
IsStepComplete(0xE0008D2D6754EDB1, 2)
<If Condition="((not HasQuest(0xE0008D2D6754EDB1)) and (not IsQuestComplete(0xE0008D2D6754EDB1)) )">
<PickUpQuest QuestName="[HEROIC 2+] Special Delivery" QuestId="0xE0008D2D6754EDB1" GiverType="Placeable" UseRange="2" Radius="5" GiverName="Weekly Heroic Missions" X="-19.68055" Y="14.201" Z="15.05659" />
</If> <!-- Do note, the bot fails to pick up the quests, as there is a new Quest pickup windows!!! -->
<!-- [HEROIC 2+] Special Delivery -->
<If Condition="((HasQuest(0xE0008D2D6754EDB1)) and (not IsQuestComplete(0xE0008D2D6754EDB1)) )">
<If Condition="(not IsStepComplete(0xE0008D2D6754EDB1, 2))">
<UseItem QuestId="0xE0008D2D6754EDB1" Name="Heroic Transport: Special Delivery" WaitTime="5" X="-19.68055" Y="14.201" Z="15.05659" />
<UserDialog Title="Done!" Message="I'm Done!" />