Is there a way to edit the profile to blacklist a certain node? It keeps trying to gather from the following location and it dies everytime. A mob of 5-6 surround it.
[Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Whiptail" at X="-10437.7" Y="-1300.62" Z="43.5841"
[Singular] Casting Moonkin Form on Myself
[Singular] Casting Wild Mushroom at location <-10443.3, -1304.05, 44.08271>
[Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Whiptail" at X="-10437.7" Y="-1300.62" Z="43.5841"
[Singular] Casting Moonkin Form on Myself
[Singular] Casting Wild Mushroom at location <-10443.3, -1304.05, 44.08271>