I didnt really test this profile although I took alot of time making it. I'm almost 100% sure that it will get stuck eventually it however will help you be more lazy if you need help getting through herb I made this profile and by the time i was done making it i went from 280-300 lol so no time to test it atm but for now please enjoy my share ill reedit this one later if its really bad!
Herbalism Leveling Patrol
270-300 (maybe lower)
harvest range: 20 (not tested but recommended 10-30)
Felwood: 48-55 zone
Gathering Sungrass, Gromsblood, Golden Sansam, Dreamfoil, Mountain Silversage, and Plaguebloom
This profile is a large profile covers about 80% of felwood herbs directly!
Its a good leveling profile but remember not an afking profile for farming! But it helps if you want to level fast!
Herbalism Leveling Patrol
270-300 (maybe lower)
harvest range: 20 (not tested but recommended 10-30)
Felwood: 48-55 zone
Gathering Sungrass, Gromsblood, Golden Sansam, Dreamfoil, Mountain Silversage, and Plaguebloom
This profile is a large profile covers about 80% of felwood herbs directly!
Its a good leveling profile but remember not an afking profile for farming! But it helps if you want to level fast!
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