SRY MAJ I have to make the first quest has the hand of the blow
[12:50:50.234 N] Starting Buddy Wing v1.0.1140.569
[12:50:53.931 N] Logging in...
[12:50:54.185 N] T: 5247294128967187317 H: 3562046333
[12:50:54.185 N] Login Success!
[12:50:55.488 D] First CPU: AMD FX(tm)-4170 Quad-Core Processor
[12:50:55.488 D] OS Version: Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
[12:50:55.488 D] App Path: C:\Users\mat\Desktop\Bot swtor\Buddywing.exe
[12:50:55.665 D] Current build number: 1003201
[12:50:55.701 D] Loading client.gom..
[12:50:55.806 D] Loaded client.gom!
[12:50:56.358 D] Took 462ms to get the nodes list.
[12:50:56.358 D] There are 20010 nodes.
[12:50:56.358 D] DomList has 20227/98317
[12:50:56.504 D] _BaseClient handled.
[12:50:56.504 D] utlStaticDefinitions handled.
[12:50:56.510 D] strOracle handled.
[12:50:56.511 D] chrOracle handled.
[12:50:56.517 D] qstOracle handled.
[12:50:56.534 D] spnOracle handled.
[12:50:56.535 D] ablOracle handled.
[12:50:56.535 D] cnvOracle handled.
[12:50:56.535 D] ctlOracle handled.
[12:50:56.536 D] _InputHandler handled.
[12:50:56.536 D] mapOracle handled.
[12:50:56.536 D] scSpaceCombatOracle handled.
[12:50:56.536 D] gmOracle handled.
[12:50:56.536 D] Debug Draw Oracle added.
[12:50:56.536 D] dbgDrawOracle handled.
[12:50:56.598 D] ablTrainerOracle handled.
[12:50:56.606 D] prfOracle handled.
[12:50:57.023 D] guiApiGfx handled.
[12:50:57.072 D] Adding input layer ctlInputCamera - 3B9BF33C
[12:50:57.072 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[12:50:57.073 D] Adding input layer ctlInputMouse - 3B9BF349
[12:50:57.073 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[12:50:57.073 D] Adding input layer ctlInputMovement - 3B9BF34D
[12:50:57.073 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[12:50:57.074 D] Adding input layer ctlInputVehicle - 3B9BF362
[12:50:57.074 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[12:50:57.075 D] Adding input layer ctlInputTargetting - 3B9BF371
[12:50:57.075 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[12:50:57.076 D] Adding input layer ctlInputGame - 3B9BF394
[12:50:57.076 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[12:50:57.080 D] Adding input layer ctlInputUI - 3B9BF3F3
[12:50:57.080 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[12:50:57.082 D] Adding input layer ctlInputConvo - 3B9BF426
[12:50:57.082 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[12:50:57.082 D] Adding input layer ctlInputCharacterSelection - 3B9BF438
[12:50:57.082 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[12:50:57.083 D] Adding input layer ctlInputCreditsScreen - 3B9BF43E
[12:50:57.083 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[12:50:57.083 D] Adding input layer ctlInputUtility - 3B9BF440
[12:50:57.083 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[12:50:57.083 D] Adding input layer ctlInputLoadingScreen - 3B9BF44B
[12:50:57.083 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[12:50:57.083 D] Adding input layer ctlInputMacroBinoculars - 3B9BF44D
[12:50:57.084 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[12:50:57.084 D] Adding input layer ctlInputSCFFVehicle - 3B9BF459
[12:50:57.084 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[12:50:57.124 D] Took 766ms to process the node list
[12:50:57.968 N] User is a Warrior
[12:50:57.991 N] Advanced Class: None / Discipline: CombatMedic
[12:50:57.991 V] Routine Path: Routines
[12:50:59.136 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.CommonBot.ICombat> - Initializing
[12:51:00.473 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.CommonBot.ICombat> - RoutineManager.Reload !THROTTLED!
[12:51:00.473 D] Routines were reloaded. New routine list:
[12:51:00.473 D] DefaultCombat v1.0.963.353
[12:51:00.482 N] [DefaultCombat] Level: 2
[12:51:00.482 N] [DefaultCombat] Class: Warrior
[12:51:00.491 N] Unhandled exception during init: System.NotSupportedException: Use the Discipline property instead.
à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorPlayer.GetSkillPointsSpentInTree(SkillTreeId tree)
à DefaultCombat.SpecHandler.calculateSpec(SkillTreeId tree1, SkillTreeId tree2, SkillTreeId tree3) dans c:\Users\mat\Desktop\Bot swtor\Routines\DefaultCombat\SpecHandler.cs:ligne 155
à DefaultCombat.SpecHandler.GetSpec() dans c:\Users\mat\Desktop\Bot swtor\Routines\DefaultCombat\SpecHandler.cs:ligne 28
à DefaultCombat.DefaultCombat.Initialize() dans c:\Users\mat\Desktop\Bot swtor\Routines\DefaultCombat\DefaultCombat.cs:ligne 54
à Buddy.CommonBot.RoutineManager.set_Current(ICombat value)
à Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.SetCurrentCombatRoutine()
à Buddywing.MainWindow.DoInitialization()
[12:51:00.491 N] Buddy Wing: The Old Robot is ready!
[12:51:09.290 D] Start/Stop Button Clicked!
[12:51:11.225 D] System.Exception: There is no profile loaded. Please load a profile before starting the bot.
à Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.Start()
à Buddywing.MainWindow.HandleStartStopClicked(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
[12:51:20.338 N] Current bot set to Quest Bot
[12:51:20.341 N] Loaded profile [E - Dark] 1-10 Inquisitor and Warrior - Korriban [Kick]
[12:51:23.538 D] Start/Stop Button Clicked!
[12:51:23.538 D] Forcing profile reload. -- Temporary fix for behavior cache issues during start/stop.
[12:51:23.951 N] Current bot set to Quest Bot
[12:51:23.952 N] Loaded profile [E - Dark] 1-10 Inquisitor and Warrior - Korriban [Kick]
[12:51:23.952 D] Starting bot Quest Bot
[12:51:23.995 D] Added new hook [RepopCorpse] 8f7bec2a-d359-4093-9756-db93b6a35874
[12:51:24.042 D] Added new hook [HotspotPoi] 2bbfe7a8-4892-4c1e-aa41-3f31e0a1c108
[12:51:24.044 D] Added new hook [SellVendorPoi] c8ae2983-f124-4093-b26c-625333c12215
[12:51:24.046 D] Added new hook [SetLootPoi] 8e9c3594-eb3f-4ea7-bc1a-a53b5e2ac5c5
[12:51:24.046 D] Added new hook [SetCombatPoi] 3e56aa0c-3ec6-4567-a864-0c55de71ca08
[12:51:24.046 D] Added new hook [SetVendorPoi] 085b12ac-37b0-4f46-8e70-5fd48bd00f1e
[12:51:24.046 D] Added new hook [SetHotspotPoi] 2b9f93c7-c669-442d-be1f-4e9a6fc0cb84
[12:51:24.046 D] Added new hook [SelectPoiType] d6739227-ebc5-4952-bcf6-7b12c7b5335f
[12:51:24.046 D] Replaced hook [SelectPoiType] da9453ab-92aa-4f48-99e3-00d1b9f65a55
[12:51:24.047 D] Setting force alignment settings.
[12:51:24.052 D] Spooling up bot thread.
[12:51:24.053 D] Bot thread started.
[12:51:26.219 N] Grind Area changed to K'lor'Slug Infestation
[12:51:26.420 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current quest behavior changed to GrindTag: GrindRef: K'lor'Slug Infestation, WhileCondition: not IsBranchTaskComplete(0xE000588220DD0F81, 1, 2, 0), QuestId: 0, BranchId: 0, StepId: 0, TaskId: 0, QuestName: Quest Id: 0, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: Buddy.Common.HookExecutor, .
[12:51:26.422 D] Replaced hook [QuestProfileBehavior_Hook] 49bd329f-9267-4043-8913-de1080952d1e
[12:51:26.433 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
[12:51:26.434 N] Killing B??b?? limace k'lor with 100% health at 16,51 meters
[12:51:37.118 D] Can't run the CheckLootability script: Function CheckLootability does not exist.
[12:51:44.937 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!
[12:51:45.044 D] Can't run the CheckLootability script: Function CheckLootability does not exist.
[12:51:46.167 D] Hotspot changed to Center(<-5.57371, -4.248145, -5.762365>)
[12:51:46.170 D] Generating path to Hotspot <-5.57371, -4.248145, -5.762365>
[12:51:46.199 E] Contacting nav server for path.
[12:51:46.334 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[12:51:46.404 D] Nav callback called.
[12:51:46.467 D] Can't run the CheckLootability script: Function CheckLootability does not exist.
[12:51:47.607 D] Generating path to Hotspot <-5.57371, -4.248145, -5.762365>
[12:51:47.650 E] Got response from server, validating.
[12:51:47.650 E] Response has 2 hops. Converting to vectors and path queue.
[12:51:47.651 D] Nav Service path generated.
[12:51:47.651 D] Generated path to <-5.57371, -4.248145, -5.762365> (Hotspot) with 2 hops.
[12:51:47.785 D] Can't run the CheckLootability script: Function CheckLootability does not exist.
[12:51:48.936 D] Moving to next hop: <-5.57371, -4.248145, -5.762365>, T: None (Hotspot) D: 2,046466
[12:51:49.214 D] Can't run the CheckLootability script: Function CheckLootability does not exist.
[12:51:50.301 D] Hotspot changed to South(<-5.766626, -4.242193, -0.622063>)
[12:51:50.301 D] Generating path to Hotspot <-5.766626, -4.242193, -0.622063>
[12:51:50.301 E] Contacting nav server for path.
[12:51:50.462 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[12:51:50.617 D] Can't run the CheckLootability script: Function CheckLootability does not exist.
[12:51:50.620 D] Nav callback called.
[12:51:51.730 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
[12:51:51.731 N] Killing Limace k'lor fouisseuse with 100% health at 12,85 meters
[12:51:51.943 D] Can't run the CheckLootability script: Function CheckLootability does not exist.
[12:52:23.673 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!
[12:52:25.018 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
[12:52:25.020 N] Killing B??b?? limace k'lor with 100% health at 12,88 meters
[12:52:26.293 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
[12:52:30.190 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!
[12:52:31.457 D] Generating path to Hotspot <-5.766626, -4.242193, -0.622063>
[12:52:31.457 E] Contacting nav server for path.
[12:52:31.625 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[12:52:31.767 D] Nav callback called.
[12:52:32.920 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
[12:52:32.921 N] Killing B??b?? limace k'lor with 100% health at 21,6 meters
[12:52:42.827 D] Start/Stop Button Clicked!
[12:52:42.827 N] Reason:
[12:52:42.927 D] Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop()
[12:52:43.480 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?
[12:52:43.527 D] Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop()
[12:52:44.934 D] We slept way too long waiting for the bot thread to give control back. Aborting thread. Client may crash!
[12:52:44.935 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot Stopped
[12:52:44.936 D] Resetting force alignment settings.
[12:52:44.938 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
[12:52:44.939 D] Resetting current behavior.
[12:52:44.939 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
[12:52:44.939 D] Resetting current behavior.
[12:52:45.230 D] Calling OnDone() on current behavior. GrindTag: GrindRef: K'lor'Slug Infestation, WhileCondition: not IsBranchTaskComplete(0xE000588220DD0F81, 1, 2, 0), QuestId: 0, BranchId: 0, StepId: 0, TaskId: 0, QuestName: Quest Id: 0, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: Buddy.Common.HookExecutor,
[12:52:45.230 N] Grind Area has been cleared.
[12:56:48.273 D] Start/Stop Button Clicked!
[12:56:48.273 D] Forcing profile reload. -- Temporary fix for behavior cache issues during start/stop.
[12:56:48.779 N] Current bot set to Quest Bot
[12:56:48.783 N] Loaded profile [E - Dark] 1-10 Inquisitor and Warrior - Korriban [Kick]
[12:56:48.783 D] Starting bot Quest Bot
[12:56:48.783 D] Added new hook [RepopCorpse] 9c010155-8a30-4708-a075-86d0bd2f9c82
[12:56:48.784 D] Added new hook [HotspotPoi] f01392f9-ed6f-4e33-886c-0eb00c4d4651
[12:56:48.784 D] Added new hook [SellVendorPoi] 59315a3f-8d88-4d12-a705-c50b7c9983ce
[12:56:48.784 D] Added new hook [SetLootPoi] 50e06436-5a26-479e-aeba-1c3e861e39d1
[12:56:48.784 D] Added new hook [SetCombatPoi] a850d371-57b6-4ef5-bfe1-73362aaba3b3
[12:56:48.784 D] Added new hook [SetVendorPoi] 7bcc8421-849c-4598-9950-867b4df65d9c
[12:56:48.784 D] Added new hook [SetHotspotPoi] 7fc630f8-5848-4465-a6d4-5c76ec05e542
[12:56:48.784 D] Added new hook [SelectPoiType] 8eb02ef6-c754-4598-996b-8ec4b2404b37
[12:56:48.784 D] Replaced hook [SelectPoiType] 08ef8f56-5435-4380-8b70-a089711e5136
[12:56:48.784 D] Setting force alignment settings.
[12:56:48.784 D] Spooling up bot thread.
[12:56:48.785 D] Bot thread started.
[12:56:50.058 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current quest behavior changed to TurnInQuestTag: ObjectName: Sergeant Cormun, X: -1,5755, Y: -4,205013, Z: -6,5152, Position: <-1.5755, -4.205013, -6.5152>, Type: Npc, ProfileUseRange: 5, ProfileSearchRadius: 5, SearchRadius: 0,5, WaitTime: 1, IgnoreLOS: False, UseRange: 0,5, Object: null, QuestId: 16140998380416208769, BranchId: 0, StepId: 0, TaskId: 0, QuestName: K'lor'slug Infestation, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector, .
[12:56:50.058 D] Replaced hook [QuestProfileBehavior_Hook] fe9cef11-2d07-44a8-be57-dd20ab97a3bd
[12:56:50.065 D] Generating path to TurnInQuestTag: Sergeant Cormun for K'lor'slug Infestation <-1.5755, -4.205013, -6.5152>
[12:56:50.065 E] Contacting nav server for path.
[12:56:50.239 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[12:56:50.308 D] Generating path to TurnInQuestTag: Sergeant Cormun for K'lor'slug Infestation <-1.5755, -4.205013, -6.5152>
[12:56:50.308 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[12:56:50.385 D] Generating path to TurnInQuestTag: Sergeant Cormun for K'lor'slug Infestation <-1.5755, -4.205013, -6.5152>
[12:56:50.385 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[12:56:50.412 D] Nav callback called.
[12:56:50.455 D] Generating path to TurnInQuestTag: Sergeant Cormun for K'lor'slug Infestation <-1.5755, -4.205013, -6.5152>
[12:56:50.455 E] Got response from server, validating.
[12:56:50.455 E] Response has 14 hops. Converting to vectors and path queue.
[12:56:50.455 D] Nav Service path generated.
[12:56:50.455 D] Generated path to <-1.5755, -4.205013, -6.5152> (TurnInQuestTag: Sergeant Cormun for K'lor'slug Infestation) with 14 hops.
[12:56:50.526 D] Moving to next hop: <-7.6, -4.093749, -12.875>, T: None (TurnInQuestTag: Sergeant Cormun for K'lor'slug Infestation) D: 0,7363763
[12:56:50.797 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
[12:56:50.863 N] Killing B??b?? limace k'lor with 100% health at 21,71 meters
[12:57:05.279 D] Start/Stop Button Clicked!
[12:57:05.279 N] Reason:
[12:57:05.280 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?
[12:57:05.379 D] Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop()
[12:57:07.382 D] We slept way too long waiting for the bot thread to give control back. Aborting thread. Client may crash!
[12:57:07.382 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot Stopped
[12:57:07.382 D] Resetting force alignment settings.
[12:57:07.382 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
[12:57:07.382 D] Resetting current behavior.
[12:57:07.382 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
[12:57:07.382 D] Resetting current behavior.
[12:57:07.382 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
[12:57:07.382 D] Resetting current behavior.
[12:57:07.412 D] Calling OnDone() on current behavior. TurnInQuestTag: ObjectName: Sergeant Cormun, X: -1,5755, Y: -4,205013, Z: -6,5152, Position: <-1.5755, -4.205013, -6.5152>, Type: Npc, ProfileUseRange: 5, ProfileSearchRadius: 5, SearchRadius: 0,5, WaitTime: 1, IgnoreLOS: False, UseRange: 0,5, Object: null, QuestId: 16140998380416208769, BranchId: 0, StepId: 0, TaskId: 0, QuestName: K'lor'slug Infestation, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector,
[12:57:27.477 D] Start/Stop Button Clicked!
[12:57:27.477 D] Forcing profile reload. -- Temporary fix for behavior cache issues during start/stop.
[12:57:27.939 N] Current bot set to Quest Bot
[12:57:27.940 N] Loaded profile [E - Dark] 1-10 Inquisitor and Warrior - Korriban [Kick]
[12:57:27.940 D] Starting bot Quest Bot
[12:57:27.940 D] Added new hook [RepopCorpse] 2440df0a-27ca-467d-9eea-c7707949d469
[12:57:27.940 D] Added new hook [HotspotPoi] 4501f43d-bfbf-4693-ab76-f204bed6f02f
[12:57:27.940 D] Added new hook [SellVendorPoi] c84f2c45-52ca-448a-b6ea-8eeb5d0c4b1a
[12:57:27.940 D] Added new hook [SetLootPoi] 583d42e1-f26b-4aab-891b-05fe10cb6a17
[12:57:27.940 D] Added new hook [SetCombatPoi] 5f1f4164-0fcd-460b-bc4b-bf62b8bac3c3
[12:57:27.940 D] Added new hook [SetVendorPoi] c9c21a6e-6310-4afb-bab0-0b5d72c4a83b
[12:57:27.940 D] Added new hook [SetHotspotPoi] 48ce8db7-2279-4e9f-ba81-89a0103cd7c2
[12:57:27.940 D] Added new hook [SelectPoiType] 4d0934ed-bb91-4f4e-923e-a5e9bbfa06fe
[12:57:27.940 D] Replaced hook [SelectPoiType] 0b02e008-63b4-4397-a160-5216975d9eb2
[12:57:27.940 D] Setting force alignment settings.
[12:57:27.940 D] Spooling up bot thread.
[12:57:27.941 D] Bot thread started.
[12:57:28.606 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current quest behavior changed to TurnInQuestTag: ObjectName: Sergeant Cormun, X: -1,5755, Y: -4,205013, Z: -6,5152, Position: <-1.5755, -4.205013, -6.5152>, Type: Npc, ProfileUseRange: 5, ProfileSearchRadius: 5, SearchRadius: 0,5, WaitTime: 1, IgnoreLOS: False, UseRange: 0,5, Object: null, QuestId: 16140998380416208769, BranchId: 0, StepId: 0, TaskId: 0, QuestName: K'lor'slug Infestation, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector, .
[12:57:28.606 D] Replaced hook [QuestProfileBehavior_Hook] 5ed72d77-cda8-4ea5-a929-6156a6d09e33
[12:57:28.606 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
[12:57:28.607 N] Killing Limace k'lor fouisseuse with 100% health at 22,54 meters
[12:57:46.801 D] [HLL] Dictionary contains 4611686081543690836 key already. Value: .
[12:57:54.116 D] La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
[12:57:54.119 D] à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorObject.()
à ..()
à ..[](UInt64 , HeroType )
à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorObject.GetField[T](DomFieldIds field, HeroType forcedType)
à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorCharacter.get_Health()
à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorCharacter.get_IsDead()
à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorNpc.get_IsLootable()
à Buddy.CommonBot.DefaultLootTargetingProvider.(TorNpc )
à System.Linq.Enumerable.<>c__DisplayClassf`1.<CombinePredicates>b__e(TSource x)
à System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
à System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
à System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
à Buddy.CommonBot.DefaultLootTargetingProvider.GetObjectsByWeight()
à Buddy.CommonBot.Targeting.Pulse()
à Buddy.CommonBot.Logic.BrainBehavior.()
[12:58:03.212 D] La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
[12:58:03.212 D] à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorObject.()
à ..()
à ..[](UInt64 , HeroType )
à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorObject.GetField[T](DomFieldIds field, HeroType forcedType)
à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorCharacter.get_Health()
à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorCharacter.get_IsDead()
à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorNpc.get_IsLootable()
à Buddy.CommonBot.DefaultLootTargetingProvider.(TorNpc )
à System.Linq.Enumerable.<>c__DisplayClassf`1.<CombinePredicates>b__e(TSource x)
à System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
à System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
à System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
à Buddy.CommonBot.DefaultLootTargetingProvider.GetObjectsByWeight()
à Buddy.CommonBot.Targeting.Pulse()
à Buddy.CommonBot.Logic.BrainBehavior.()
[12:58:20.447 D] La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
[12:58:20.447 D] à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorObject.()
à ..()
à ..[](UInt64 , HeroType )
à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorObject.GetField[T](DomFieldIds field, HeroType forcedType)
à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorCharacter.get_Health()
à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorCharacter.get_IsDead()
à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorNpc.get_IsLootable()
à Buddy.CommonBot.DefaultLootTargetingProvider.(TorNpc )
à System.Linq.Enumerable.<>c__DisplayClassf`1.<CombinePredicates>b__e(TSource x)
à System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
à System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
à System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
à Buddy.CommonBot.DefaultLootTargetingProvider.GetObjectsByWeight()
à Buddy.CommonBot.Targeting.Pulse()
à Buddy.CommonBot.Logic.BrainBehavior.()
[12:58:22.661 D] La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
[12:58:22.661 D] à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorObject.()
à ..()
à ..[](UInt64 , HeroType )
à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorObject.GetField[T](DomFieldIds field, HeroType forcedType)
à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorCharacter.get_Health()
à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorCharacter.get_IsDead()
à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorNpc.get_IsLootable()
à Buddy.CommonBot.DefaultLootTargetingProvider.(TorNpc )
à System.Linq.Enumerable.<>c__DisplayClassf`1.<CombinePredicates>b__e(TSource x)
à System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
à System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
à System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
à Buddy.CommonBot.DefaultLootTargetingProvider.GetObjectsByWeight()
à Buddy.CommonBot.Targeting.Pulse()
à Buddy.CommonBot.Logic.BrainBehavior.()
[12:58:53.350 D] Start/Stop Button Clicked!
[12:58:53.350 N] Reason:
[12:58:53.450 D] Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop()
[12:58:53.799 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?
[12:58:53.872 D] Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop()
[12:58:55.477 D] We slept way too long waiting for the bot thread to give control back. Aborting thread. Client may crash!
[12:58:55.477 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot Stopped
[12:58:55.477 D] Resetting force alignment settings.
[12:58:55.477 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
[12:58:55.477 D] Resetting current behavior.
[12:58:55.477 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
[12:58:55.477 D] Resetting current behavior.
[12:58:55.477 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
[12:58:55.477 D] Resetting current behavior.
[12:58:55.477 D] QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
[12:58:55.477 D] Resetting current behavior.
[12:58:55.643 D] Calling OnDone() on current behavior. TurnInQuestTag: ObjectName: Sergeant Cormun, X: -1,5755, Y: -4,205013, Z: -6,5152, Position: <-1.5755, -4.205013, -6.5152>, Type: Npc, ProfileUseRange: 5, ProfileSearchRadius: 5, SearchRadius: 0,5, WaitTime: 1, IgnoreLOS: False, UseRange: 0,5, Object: null, QuestId: 16140998380416208769, BranchId: 0, StepId: 0, TaskId: 0, QuestName: K'lor'slug Infestation, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector,