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Help me get this girl to go out with me!

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New Member
Jan 15, 2010
Well this isent a success story yet, here is my situation, ill list all the txt messages.

Me: Good morning hot sauce.
Haley: hey
Me: Can i call you that... hot sauce?
Haley: Uh, i dont care
Me: Cool, i think i like that name, ive always liked hot sauce, anyways, how are you today?
Haley: Good. Hbu
Me: Im doing ok, good to know your doing good, what you got going for today?
Haley: Yeahh. And Idk. Hbu?
Me: Hmm well it looks like a shitty day out, usually i would be rolling a joint, listening to some pink floyd, but i saw a bottle of hot sauce and decided i better not, so idk, ill prolly clean my boat up for the summer, u like boating? I like tubing and love fishing.
Haley: Oh i see, and yea i guess
Me: Cool, since i did stop smoking weed, i have a lil extra money, you like shopping? I would be willing to treat you :)
Haley: No its fine, keep your money.
Me: Ok, well thats a good idea, but the money i have wont last long because i will spend it on something stupid, so how about one day i take you out for a meal as friends?
Haley: No thanks, spend it on something for u.
Me: Alrite cool. I gotta work for a couple hours, ill txt you when i get back :)...unless ofc you dont want me to.
Haley: Okay

Thats it, so wtf why doesent she just tell me to stop txting her? Is she at all intersted? i mean wtf, she asked me if i could stop smoking weed for her once, i said yea. so anyways, advice is appreciated.
Oh buddy, I honestly hope this is a joke; you seriously text like a stalker, you need to seriously chill out.

I don't mean to sound harsh but you don't need to sell your self to people, or at least I've never had to, but maybe I'm blessed.

And who call's somebody hot sauce? I can't finish this post without sounding like an ass-hole.
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ok well there aint shit i can do about the style in which i txt, and im not a fn stalker, why cant she just tell me to fuck off, wtf is so fuking hard about this, ill fuck off or buy u w/e the fuk she wants, what the fuck should i do? im not looking for a friend ship, im looking to fuck a girl.
Like Jordan said, you sound like a stalker. Thats why she won't go out with you.

Offer to bot her a wow account and see what she says

I also wouldn't create this thread under "Success Stories". Maybe the "Ban Section" would be better lol
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If you are being serious here you are try WAY to hard, by the looks of her one word or short answers she is not interested, sorry mate.
Oh buddy, I honestly hope this is a joke; you seriously text like a stalker, you need to seriously chill out.

I don't mean to sound harsh but you don't need to sell your self to people, or at least I've never had to, but maybe I'm blessed.

And who call's somebody hot sauce? I can't finish this post without sounding like an ass-hole.

Why you gotta be so mean hotsauce?
well buddy, i see a few things wrong here(other than the overall tone of patheticness) offering to take her shopping is a weird one for sure, as well as saying you will text her when you get back. desperation is never attractive. i think now is the time to take the throttle back a bit and then move back into range in a few weeks.
Buddy, if a girl liked you you would know...
Again I don't want to sound like a cock but heres the reasons why I think this is all as it is:

-Stalkish Texting, you get 1 word replys and give them ridiculous stalky essays...
-You don't try and buy affection/like
-Shes too nice to tell you to fuck off
-Why mention your boat like your gloating?
-Your possibly not her type (previous post was ridiculously mean so i edited it, sorry.)

And think I'm a cock all you will, truth-telling.

And ski with things like this it NEEDS to be told as it is, otherwise if he carries on hes either going to loose friends because people will think hes strange and a stalker, and girls will be massively turned off... I had a friend similar.
Just try less hard.
Atm you just seem desperate judging by that text extract (nothing personal, just hard truth i guess)
All the time you're chasing her about and hanging around like that with messages all the time she wont be interested.

Dem Womens Loves Dat Attention, dont throw it at them, make them come get it.
idk wtf that fuking means, somebudy tell me something to fuking say, this is a do or die situation, its now or fuking never.
So what should i do?
Just try less hard.
Atm you just seem desperate judging by that text extract (nothing personal, just hard truth i guess)
All the time you're chasing her about and hanging around like that with messages all the time she wont be interested.

Dem Womens Loves Dat Attention, dont throw it at them, make them come get it.
idk wtf that fuking means, somebudy tell me something to fuking say, this is a do or die situation, its now or fuking never.

Its already over, beyond repair, unfortunately.
sorry i forgot to ask(thanks jordan) are you an ugly man?
perhaps if we could see a picture, we could tell you for sure if its just cuz ur a troll.
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