Honorbuddy Startup Complete
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Questing
Current zone is Feralas (Feralas - Zone - World of Warcraft)
Changing current profile to [H - Quest] 12-58 K and EK [Kick] ($Rev: 3884 $)
[Singular] Hotkey: To add a LOGMARK, press: [Shift+Alt+Ctrl+M]
[Singular] Your Level 41 Troll Affliction Warlock Build is
[Singular] ... running the Questing bot in Feralas
[Singular] ... Zone: Kalimdor using my SOLO Behaviors alone
[MountHook-d0e779(info)] Inserting hook
[Profile Message]: Compiling Feralas Quests
Could not create current behavior in quest bot; exception was thrown, Profile line# 6158, Element: <Objective QuestName="More Than Illness" QuestId="25230" Type="KillMob" MobId="39384" KillCount="10" />
Bot stopping! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot!
[ProfileCompatibilityInfo-d0e779(info)] Removing hook
i keep getting this i dont know what it means can i get any help
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Questing
Current zone is Feralas (Feralas - Zone - World of Warcraft)
Changing current profile to [H - Quest] 12-58 K and EK [Kick] ($Rev: 3884 $)
[Singular] Hotkey: To add a LOGMARK, press: [Shift+Alt+Ctrl+M]
[Singular] Your Level 41 Troll Affliction Warlock Build is
[Singular] ... running the Questing bot in Feralas
[Singular] ... Zone: Kalimdor using my SOLO Behaviors alone
[MountHook-d0e779(info)] Inserting hook
[Profile Message]: Compiling Feralas Quests
Could not create current behavior in quest bot; exception was thrown, Profile line# 6158, Element: <Objective QuestName="More Than Illness" QuestId="25230" Type="KillMob" MobId="39384" KillCount="10" />
Bot stopping! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot!
[ProfileCompatibilityInfo-d0e779(info)] Removing hook
i keep getting this i dont know what it means can i get any help