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Help fixing a profiles please.


Aug 19, 2014
Help fixing profiles please.

These profiles were perfect but are now broken. Can anyone please update them? Thank you.

    <Name>Fishing: Gigant Clam</Name>
		<!-- Bait to use: Heavy Steel Jig -->
		<While condition="not HqHasAtLeast(10123,30)">
			<If Condition="IsTimeBetween(8,24) or IsTimeBetween(0,3)">
				<If Condition="not IsOnMap(137)">
					<TeleportTo AetheryteId="11" />
				<Fish Mooch="0" Condition="IsTimeBetween(8,22)">
						<FishSpot XYZ="483.3244,17.39324,470.5694" Heading="0.449999988" />
				<Fish Mooch="0" Condition="IsTimeBetween(22,23)">
						<FishSpot XYZ="488.4197, 9.9081, 594.0562" Heading="5.809999942" />
				<Fish Mooch="0" Condition="IsTimeBetween(23,24) or IsTimeBetween(0,2)">
						<FishSpot XYZ="541.28, 8.70105, 579.5362" />
						<FishSpot XYZ="560.7628, 8.698034, 585.7589" />
						<FishSpot XYZ="564.9565, 8.663778, 608.3327" />
						<FishSpot XYZ="542.0089, 8.659445, 617.5783" />
				<Fish Mooch="0" Condition="IsTimeBetween(2,3)">
						<FishSpot XYZ="488.4197, 9.9081, 594.0562" Heading="5.809999942" />
			<If Condition="IsTimeBetween(3,8)">
				<If Condition="not IsOnMap(138)">
					<TeleportTo Name="Aleport" AetheryteId="14" />
				<Fish Mooch="0" Condition="IsTimeBetween(3,7)">
						<FishSpot XYZ="222.2999, -31.14042, 271.9302" Heading="1.336751" />
						<FishSpot XYZ="222.304, -27.31251, 256.6113" Heading="1.344448" />
						<FishSpot XYZ="232.7221, -24.99233, 245.037" Heading="0.05650282" />
				<Fish Mooch="0" Condition="IsTimeBetween(7,8)">
						<FishSpot XYZ="243.0911,-24.99833,235.3326" Heading="3.779999971" />

    <Name>Boillabaisse Fishing Farm Aleport and Horizon</Name>
	<!-- Clear inventory as much as you feel necessary and buy as much rat tail as you need ~100 per hour -->
	<!-- Stop Fishing and Job Switch chunks courtesy of Becto, fishing made available in orderbot thanks to kagamihiiragi17 -->
	<While Condition ="True">

      <!-- Wait between 11pm and 0am -->
      <If Condition="IsTimeBetween(23,0)">
        <LogMessage Message= "Waiting until 00:00 Eorzea"/>
        <WaitWhile Condition ="IsTimeBetween(23,0)" />

		<!-- Rothlyt Oyster and some Razorclam. ~30% Aleport -->
		<If Condition="IsTimeBetween(0,6)">
			<If Condition="not IsOnMap(138)">
				<TeleportTo Name="Aleport" AetheryteId="14" />
			<WaitTimer WaitTime="6"/>
			<If Condition="Core.Me.CurrentJob != ClassJobType.Fisher">
				<RunCode Name="FSH"/>
			<!-- Bait to use: Rat Tails -->
			<Fish Mooch="0" Condition="IsTimeBetween(0,6)">
					<FishSpot XYZ="222.2999, -31.14042, 271.9302" Heading="1.336751" />
					<FishSpot XYZ="222.304, -27.31251, 256.6113" Heading="1.344448" />
					<FishSpot XYZ="232.7221, -24.99233, 245.037" Heading="0.05650282" />
			<WaitTimer WaitTime="10"/>
			<RunCode Name="BreakFishing"/>
		<!-- Razor clams ~60% Horizon Map -->
		<If Condition="IsTimeBetween(6,12)">
			<If Condition="not IsOnMap(140)">
				<TeleportTo Name="Horizon" AetheryteId="17" />
			<WaitTimer WaitTime="6"/>
			<If Condition="Core.Me.CurrentJob != ClassJobType.Fisher">
				<RunCode Name="FSH"/>
			<!-- Bait to use: Rat Tails -->
			<Fish Mooch="0" Condition="IsTimeBetween(6,12)">
					<FishSpot XYZ="-279.3113, 13.48067, -141.2883" Heading="0.03999999" />
					<FishSpot XYZ="-324.3458, 13.9835, -110.5778" Heading="1.549999952" />
			<WaitTimer WaitTime="10"/>
			<RunCode Name="BreakFishing"/>
		<!-- Rothlyt Oyster and some Razorclam. ~30% Aleport -->
		<If Condition="IsTimeBetween(12,18)">
			<If Condition="not IsOnMap(138)">
				<TeleportTo Name="Aleport" AetheryteId="14" />
			<WaitTimer WaitTime="6"/>
			<If Condition="Core.Me.CurrentJob != ClassJobType.Fisher">
				<RunCode Name="FSH"/>
			<!-- Bait to use: Rat Tails -->
			<Fish Mooch="0" Condition="IsTimeBetween(12,18)">
					<FishSpot XYZ="222.2999, -31.14042, 271.9302" Heading="1.336751" />
					<FishSpot XYZ="222.304, -27.31251, 256.6113" Heading="1.344448" />
					<FishSpot XYZ="232.7221, -24.99233, 245.037" Heading="0.05650282" />
		<!-- Razor clams ~60% Horizon Map -->
		<If Condition="IsTimeBetween(18,23)">
			<If Condition="not IsOnMap(140)">
				<TeleportTo Name="Horizon" AetheryteId="17" />
			<WaitTimer WaitTime="6"/>
			<If Condition="Core.Me.CurrentJob != ClassJobType.Fisher">
				<RunCode Name="FSH"/>
			<!-- Bait to use: Rat Tails -->
			<Fish Mooch="0" Condition="IsTimeBetween(18,23)">
					<FishSpot XYZ="-279.3113, 13.48067, -141.2883" Heading="0.03999999" />
					<FishSpot XYZ="-324.3458, 13.9835, -110.5778" Heading="1.549999952" />
			<WaitTimer WaitTime="10"/>
			<RunCode Name="BreakFishing"/>
		<CodeChunk Name="FSH">
			<![CDATA[ ff14bot.Managers.ChatManager.SendChat("/gs change 12");
		<CodeChunk Name="BreakFishing">
				SpellData data; 
				if (Actionmanager.CurrentActions.TryGetValue("Quit", out data) && Actionmanager.CanCast(data, Core.Me)) 
					await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(1000);
					Actionmanager.DoAction("Quit", Core.Me); 
					await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(1000); 
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The Bouillabaisse profile is mine. I ran it last week okay but I have not tested it since the new release. I'll give it a go and see what happens but I thought I saw a compiler error for one of the .cs files for fishing last time I booted rebornbuddy up.
Thank you Mr. McGibblets. I wasn't trying to take any credit for your profile. Neither profiles are mine. Thanks again for looking into it.
Thank you Mr. McGibblets. I wasn't trying to take any credit for your profile. Neither profiles are mine. Thanks again for looking into it.

Nothing about credit :P was just letting you know and that I would try to help. I finally got a chance to try and monitor the profile and it looks like the stop fish codechunk is not working correctly anymore. May have broken after the update. I need to try it a bit more then I'll ask Becto about it as it was his chunk I borrowed.
looks like this isn't working in the console anymore. I pulled it out and am trying your script. I will let you know what I find.
await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(1000);

EDIT: Looks like this is working now. I had removed that above line and the log shows it is executing just fine.
[15:14:59.476 N] [Fish v1.0.0] Fished 14 of 27 fish at this FishSpot.
[15:15:01.040 D] DoAction Spell 299 0x1002C6D5
[15:15:01.041 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to WaitTimerTag: LineNumber: 51, IsDone: False, WaitTime: 10, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.Sequence, .
[15:15:01.041 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] f79a7369-8976-4235-893e-177f3309198a
[15:15:11.074 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to RunCode: LineNumber: 52, Name: BreakFishing, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.ActionRunCoroutine, .
[15:15:11.074 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 9f5de5ec-2da3-4880-9b50-14f0bcfcbf9c
[15:15:11.074 D] DoAction Spell 299 0x1002C6D5

You can see the fish.cs execute spell 299. Sometimes it doesn't work because you are stuck in action for whatever reason (ie. lag). Then you see the wait is issued and then my code for BreakFishing and the spell 299 is executed correctly. Change your code chunk for BreakFishing to this:

<CodeChunk Name="BreakFishing">
		SpellData data; 
		if (Actionmanager.CurrentActions.TryGetValue(299, out data) && Actionmanager.CanCast(data, Core.Me)) 
			Actionmanager.DoAction(299, Core.Me); 

Let me know if this is working for you. I removed the sleep and changed "Quit" spell string to the actual spell id listed in the game db to keep it compatible with other languages.

Here are the updated profiles:
View attachment Boillabaisse Fishing Farm.xml
View attachment Fishing_GigantClam.xml
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